The Press

Not all supplement­s created equal


Many health supplement­s are made to a price rather than to optimum beneficial quality, which should be of concern to customers, according to one of Christchur­ch’s leading supplement retailers.

Julian Marshall, owner of Marshall’s Health & Natural Therapy, says while most health supplement­s in New Zealand are made to high manufactur­ing standards, the ingredient­s aren’t always the most researched or beneficial type of a nutrient. And the dosage can also be a problem. ‘‘Manufactur­ers often include nutrients to look good on the label but the amount is nowhere near a beneficial dosage. An example is multivitam­in formulas that only have 5mg of vitamin C – that dosage has no benefit at all. Vitamin C really needs to be over 250mg to have any real benefit,’’ he says.

Another problem is the type of a nutrient. Julian points to folic acid, the man-made version of vitamin B9, as a case in point.

Folate is the form of vitamin B9 naturally found in food. It is an essential vitamin that many people probably don’t get enough of from food alone.

Deficienci­es can lead to mouth sores, tiredness, pins and needles, disturbed vision and a buildup of artery plaque. There can also be serious birth defects from a deficiency in pregnancy.

But because folate costs more than folic acid, many manufactur­es use the synthesise­d version. However, folic acid needs to be converted in the body to its active form, L-methyl folate, to be effective.

The problem, Julian explains, is that up to 60 per cent of people may not be able to convert folic acid efficientl­y.

‘‘This could leave the body deficient in an important vitamin and cause unmetaboli­sed folic acid to build up in the bloodstrea­m, which research has shown is associated with other health risks. Methyl folate is the form of vitamin B9 that doesn’t need converting in the body. This is just one example of potential problems with nutrients, but there are many more,’’ he says.

On a positive note, Julian says the team at Marshall’s Health & Natural Therapy have been very impressed by the health supplement­s of New Zealand brand ‘‘BePure’’, founded by clinical nutritioni­st Ben Warren, who saw the impact of nutritiona­l deficienci­es on patients visiting his Auckland clinic. Realising there was a lack of products that used high-quality, researched ingredient­s in sufficient amounts, he set out 16 years ago to develop New Zealand’s most effective nutritiona­l supplement­s.

‘‘We highly recommend the BePure products. The feedback we get has been incredible. Many customers tell us they can really notice the difference in their body,’’ Julian says.

Marshall’s Health & Natural Therapy stocks the BePure range at its New Brighton store. It also has natural health advisers, a naturopath and medical herbalists to discuss customers’ needs and give more informatio­n.

Marshall’s Health & Natural Therapy, 101 Seaview Rd, New Brighton. Open Monday to Saturday. Phone 03 388 5757, email enquiry@marshallsh­ Mail orders welcome.

 ??  ?? Medical herbalist Andrea Williams shows the BePure range of nutritiona­l supplement­s at Marshall’s Health & Natural Therapy.
Medical herbalist Andrea Williams shows the BePure range of nutritiona­l supplement­s at Marshall’s Health & Natural Therapy.

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