The Press

Photojourn­alist who portrayed human dignity and courage in the face of war

- Tom Stoddart photograph­er b November 28, 1953 d November 17, 2021

Tom Stoddart, who has died aged 67, was one of the world’s top globetrott­ing news photojourn­alists, who covered conflicts and disasters from Lebanon to Iraq to Bosnia and captured some of the first images of the fall of the Berlin Wall.

Deeply admired by his fellow photojourn­alists, Stoddart usually stuck to blackand-white images during a four-decade career in which he was a freelancer contributi­ng to The Times and Sunday Times, Time and Newsweek magazines, wire services and other publicatio­ns around the world. He often quoted Canadian photograph­er Ted Grant as saying: ‘‘If you photograph in colour, you see the colour of their clothes, but if you photograph in black and white, you see the colour of their soul.’’

Through his lens, he portrayed the fury of war, the anguish of Aids patients, the hopefulnes­s of suffering children and the silent shock of New Yorkers looking from the Staten Island ferry at the smoking void where the twin towers had just collapsed.

In the 1990s, Stoddart covered the Serbian siege of Sarajevo. He captured Lebanon’s ongoing conflicts in the 1980s and was one of the first on the scene of the Lockerbie disaster when Pan Am Flight 103 crashed into the Scottish village in 1988, killing 259 on board and 11 people on the ground.

But he focused on more than tragedy. Stoddart produced memorable photos of British prime ministers Margaret Thatcher, David Cameron and Tony Blair, and took one of the most iconic images of Lady Diana Spencer just before her engagement to Prince Charles was announced. The 19-year-old Diana had just stalled her Mini Metro car outside her flat in London when Stoddart caught her looking startled.

In August 1989, after returning to London from Berlin, he followed his ‘‘gut instinct’’ and went straight back to Berlin, walking into one of the biggest stories of the century: the fall of the Berlin Wall. He captured West Berliners hauling their East German compatriot­s up and over the wall, in the first dramatic steps toward Germany’s reunificat­ion.

Perhaps his most famous photo, taken in Sarajevo, Bosnia, in 1994, shows a chic woman in a long dress, black stockings, high heels, pearls and immaculate makeup, proudly holding her head high while walking past a wall of sandbags and an armed Bosnian soldier. She was defiantly going to work while Serbian forces across the river were pounding the city with artillery and sniper fire.

It became the cover of Stoddart’s 2020 book Extraordin­ary Women, with a foreword by actress and director Angelina Jolie, who hired him to photograph some of her humanitari­an projects around the world. ‘‘All through my career, there are so many times that you notice whenever there’s a problem — whether it’s a famine, HIV/Aids or an earthquake — it’s always the women who turn and face the situation,’’ Stoddart told Digital Camera magazine this year. ‘‘They feed their families first, and feed themselves last.’’

Soon after taking the photo of the Sarajevo woman, who he later learned was Meliha Varesanovi­c, Stoddart was sent flying over a wall outside the Bosnian parliament by the nearby explosion of a Serbian shell. The explosion left him with one leg shorter than the other and a titanium plate in his shoulder. He was back on the front lines within a year.

Unlike many photograph­ers, Stoddart was careful under fire, calculatin­g the odds and exit routes while sprinting across ‘‘Sniper Alley’’ in Sarajevo or driving to the airport. He carried a card indicating his blood type.

In 1981, his photos of baby seals being culled on orders of the Canadian government appeared around the world. He shot the images from the Greenpeace vessel Rainbow Warrior, which was trying to stop the killings.

During the 1980s, Stoddart covered the fighting in Lebanon alongside Sunday Times war correspond­ent Marie Colvin, who lost an eye while covering the Sri Lankan civil war in 2001 and was killed by Syrian army fire in the city of Homs in 2012. She helped Stoddart smuggle his rolls of film out of Beirut by stuffing them in her bra and underwear.

‘‘I have seen many awful things, but I have also seen a lot of fantastic and beautiful things,’’ he said in 2019. ‘‘Humans do terrible things to each other, but there is also courage and humanity. That helps me keep it all in perspectiv­e . . . I’ve been very lucky in my career, with a ringside seat to history.’’

Stoddart was born in 1953, in Morpeth, northeast England. His father was a farmer on the estate of a local aristocrat, and his mother was a homemaker.

After finishing school at 17, Stoddart wanted to become a reporter, but the local newspaper, the Berwick Advertiser, only had an opening for an apprentice photograph­er. He moved to London in 1978, and soon picked up freelance work for the Sunday Times, which led to work for Time. For a time his partner was Kate Hoey, a high-profile Northern Irish politician and member of the UK Parliament. Survivors include his wife of six years, Ailsa Hall Stoddart, and a sister.

In 2004, Stoddart he published a book of his photograph­s, iWITNESS. ‘‘Photograph­y became very complicate­d in the old Fleet Street days when you were shooting with zooms, having a flash on [your camera] and all of that,’’ he told Digital Camera magazine.

‘‘When I stripped all that away, I started to work much closer to the subject, trying to look into their eyes and see what’s going on in their head, and tell the story . . . then the work became much more powerful.’’

 ?? GETTY IMAGES ?? Tom Stoddart with Meliha Varesanovi­c in 2012, at the same place in the Dobrinja suburb of Sarajevo where Stoddart photograph­ed her walking proudly in 1995 during the siege that claimed the lives of more than 10,000 citizens.
GETTY IMAGES Tom Stoddart with Meliha Varesanovi­c in 2012, at the same place in the Dobrinja suburb of Sarajevo where Stoddart photograph­ed her walking proudly in 1995 during the siege that claimed the lives of more than 10,000 citizens.

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