The Press

Bay’s Waitangi events pulled

- Steven Walton

Canterbury’s traditiona­l Waitangi Day commemorat­ions at Okains Bay have been cancelled due to Covid-19 concerns.

The cancellati­on is part of a wider decision by Te Rūnanga o Ngāi Tahu to cancel all of its planned Waitangi Day commemorat­ions this year.

A special commemorat­ion has been held in the Banks Peninsula bay, at Okains Bay Museum, since 1977.

It normally attracts about 2000 people and is co-hosted by the museum and Te Rūnanga o Koukourara­ta – one of the 18 Ngā i Tahu rūnanga.

The museum said on its website that it would be nearly impossible to proceed with 2022 commemorat­ions safely.

‘‘Concern for the potential impacts of Covid-19 on kaumātua, whānau, and Aotearoa me Te Waipounamu has driven this decision,’’ the message said. ‘‘The wellbeing of our community is paramount.’’

The museum noted how difficult it would be to host the February 6 commemorat­ions, given the numbers of people standing together in proximity, sharing kai (food) and moving through many small buildings and spaces.

The museum would still open over Waitangi weekend, but to smaller numbers.

It said it had ‘‘special offerings’’ planned.

The cancellati­on of Waitangi Day commemorat­ions was a difficult decision, Ngāi Tahu said in a post on Facebook.

‘‘Due to Covid-19 restrictio­ns we believe this is in the best interest of our whānau,’’ the post said, saying the main priority was for whānau to stay safe and well.

Ngāi Tahu encouraged people to get vaccinated against Covid-19 if they had not already done so.

Covid-19 has not just disrupted Waitangi Day commemorat­ions in Canterbury.

In December, the Waitangi National Trust announced there would be no in-person events at Northland’s Waitangi Treaty Grounds this year.

The trust said it would be ‘‘practicall­y impossible’’ under the Covid-19 Protection Framework to safely go ahead with the usual events, which attract 30,000 to 40,000 people over the week leading up to Waitangi Day.

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