The Press

Reformist president’s rule was tarnished by corruption, cronyism and violence

- Washington Post

Mwai Kibaki, who has died aged 90, brought an end to decades of oneparty rule when he was elected president of Kenya in 2002, only to have his promises to end government corruption undermined by accusation­s of graft and by violence surroundin­g his reelection bid.

Kibaki was the last Kenyan president who was part of the generation that led the country from British colonial rule to independen­ce in 1963. He helped draft its first constituti­on and was an early member of the Kenya African National Union (KANU) party, which dominated Kenyan political life for 39 years.

He was elected to Kenya’s first parliament under independen­ce and held several government posts, each more powerful than the last, over the next 25 years. An economist and former professor, he became minister of finance and economic planning in 1970 under Kenya’s first president, Jomo Kenyatta.

After Kenyatta’s death in 1978, his vicepresid­ent, Daniel arap Moi, assumed the presidency and chose Kibaki as vicepresid­ent. Moi followed Kenyatta’s pattern of increasing­ly authoritar­ian rule, selfenrich­ment and widespread corruption, amid widespread poverty, poor education and a shoddy health system.

Kibaki began to break with Moi in the early 1980s, and was demoted to health minister. In that role, he led efforts to reduce the spread of HIV/Aids by launching education efforts and treatment programmes.

In the meantime, internatio­nal companies and lending organisati­ons began to demand reform in a country that had become a corrupt one-party state. Late in 1991, opposition parties were legalised, and soon Kibaki left his government post to launch the new Democratic Party. He challenged Moi for the presidency in 1992 and 1997, losing both times in elections rife with voting irregulari­ties.

In 2002, with Moi unable to stand because of term limits, Kibaki ran as leader of a new party called the National Rainbow Coalition. He pledged free primary education and universal health care. Moreover, he vowed to end the widespread bribery and corruption that affected every level of Kenyan life.

On December 3, 2002, a little more than three weeks before the election, Kibaki was injured in a car accident and was flown to London for treatment – highlighti­ng the need for improved medical services in Kenya. When he returned after 10 days, he campaigned from a wheelchair.

Jubilation broke out across the country when he won 63% of the vote. At first, he made good on his campaign rhetoric by improving access to education and launching efforts to curb corruption in the courts. He also sought to reform the country’s banking system.

Kibaki was swept into office by support from a multi-ethnic coalition, not just members of his own Kikuyu people, Kenya’s largest ethnic group. But tribalism remained a strong element of politics, and he surrounded himself with a close-knit cadre of Kikuyus, whose traditiona­l homeland was near Mt Kenya. His inner circle became known as the Mt Kenya Mafia, and in short order Kibaki faced criticism for the same cronyism and kickbacks he had decried in his predecesso­rs.

He became one of Kenya’s wealthiest people and was embarrasse­d by revelation­s that, in addition to his wife and four children, he had a second family with another woman.

In 2005, his top anti-corruption watchdog, John Githongo, resigned, saying he faced death threats and had been thwarted in his attempts to investigat­e government officials.

Kenyans quickly became disillusio­ned with Kibaki’s leadership, and in 2007 he faced a strong challenge from Raila Odinga. Kibaki was declared winner of the election, but European Union observers said the results ‘‘lacked credibilit­y’’ and suffered from ‘‘a lack of transparen­cy’’. Violence erupted, in which more than 1100 people were killed.

In 2008, a power-sharing deal was brokered in which Kibaki would stay on as president with Odinga as prime minister. Kibaki resigned in 2013, but not before receiving a generous retirement package that allowed him to live in luxury in his Nairobi apartment and at his country estate.

Mwai Emilio Stanley Kibaki was born in a village near Mt Kenya to parents who were tobacco and cattle farmers. He won a scholarshi­p to Makerere University in Uganda, where many future African leaders were educated. He graduated in 1955, then received a degree in economics and public finance from the London School of Economics in 1958. During that time, one of his brothers was killed while fighting in a revolution­ary guerrilla movement in Kenya.

Kibaki taught at Makerere for several years and became active in Kenya’s growing independen­ce movement. He also helped organise the KANU, which propelled Kenyatta to power.

In 1962, he married Lucy Muthoni, who died in 2016. They had four children. He also had a long relationsh­ip with Mary Wambui, with whom he had a daughter. It is unclear whether they were married, in a country where polygamy is legal. –

 ?? AP ?? Mwai Kibaki in 2008, the year in which he agreed a powershari­ng deal with presidenti­al rival Raila Odinga. Kibaki’s disputed victory the previous year led to widespread violence in which more than 1100 people died.
AP Mwai Kibaki in 2008, the year in which he agreed a powershari­ng deal with presidenti­al rival Raila Odinga. Kibaki’s disputed victory the previous year led to widespread violence in which more than 1100 people died.

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