The Press



chool balls and other occasions are the perfect chance to have fun with your makeup, whether you are doing it yourself or working with a makeup artist. Wellington based makeup artist Alana James shares a few beauty trends and tips.

What are some of the key makeup trends?

wo words soft glam. his genre of makeup e plores youthful dewy skin with an emphasis on the blusher, more neutral, often warmer tones, and soft smoky liners.

nd while shimmer will always be a favourite, I have noticed the matte eye is becoming more popular.

hese trends are perfect for ball makeup as you can t go wrong.

Are there makeup trends you are noticing more now for school balls?

While there are always more prominent trends over others, I have noticed a shift particular­ly in the inclusivit­y of makeup trends.

here is more of an emphasis in celebratin­g the individual as we steer away from unrealisti­c full coverage contouring and highlighti­ng and move towards more achievable skin finishes working with less product to accentuate the natural contours of one s face.

With such a variety of influencer­s, you can see more of a normalisat­ion of self e pression. hese trend shifts are key, particular­ly for school balls, as students are encouraged to e press their personalit­y through their makeup, and celebrate themselves as they are, and not feel they need to contort who they are to meet unrealisti­c e pectations.

What tips do you have for someone who is doing their own makeup? How do they ensure their makeup looks as good at the end of the night as at the start?

y biggest tip for long lasting makeup when doing it yourself is to not forget the skin prep. iving your skin a good cleanse, tone, moisturise and prime are key to achieving the best, most long lasting skin results.

ry to use uality products with long lasting abilities tailored to your skin type. eviews and in store consults are great ways to help you determine what these are for you. o avoid une pected reactions on the day, doing a trial run before your event is a great way to test your chosen products and ma imise their performanc­e on your night out.

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