The Press

Details of Barry’s alleged plane drama revealed


Details of Maggie Barry’s alleged plane drama have been released, showing that a passenger next to the former National MP asked to move because she was “so rude”.

When Stuff in early January first revealed the incident on a plane about to leave from Queenstown, Barry claimed there was no abuse and the whole incident was a misunderst­anding. She reiterated that yesterday.

Barry was a National member of Parliament for North Shore from 2011 to 2020. She served as a minister of conservati­on, seniors, and arts, culture and heritage.

She was also the host of Maggie’s Garden Show on TV, and NZ on Screen describes her as “the nation’s most beloved ginger gardener”.

Yesterday, under the Official Informatio­n Act, police released the handwritte­n notes a Queenstown sergeant wrote at the time.

The initial report was a person not complying with crew instructio­ns but, when someone raised the issue, she allegedly responded with the words “f..k this”, or “suck this”.

The sergeant talked to the captain, who decided to make an announceme­nt over the public address system, saying, “there has been some aggressive behaviour and everyone is to be aware to follow instructio­ns of the crew”.

The captain then asked cabin crew if they were happy with the passenger staying on board and “[they] will support them with whatever decision they make”. The decision was made to let her stay on board.

“As deciding to take her, lady next to her asks to be moved as doesn’t want to sit next to her on the flight due to her being so rude.

“Cabin crew move her, full plane, no spare seats – move someone else . Pilot asks my thoughts. Both discuss, may have had a bad day or two – stresses of flying, etc.”

The captain then sought assurances from Barry that she would comply with instructio­ns.

The captain and officer got the woman’s details, which was when the sergeant recognised her name.

“Captain advises woman known to media/ TV, etc. Described as a female, purple jacket, red hair, front seats.”

The captain made the final call to take her and the sergeant got off the plane and got the thumbs up as the plane pulled back.

Barry previously said the flight was delayed in taking off by only 20 minutes. The sergeant’s notes show the plane was due to leave at 12.35pm but it was not until 12.58 pm that the officer left the plane. They do not show when the plane left.

Barry sent a text message yesterday saying she always obeyed crew instructio­ns, as she did that day.

“There was an initial misunderst­anding regarding my cellphone on a strap, which was resolved.

“I absolutely deny using obscene language or aggressive behaviour towards the flight crew or anyone else.

“The police did not take any action once I reassured them that I would follow crew instructio­ns at all times, and we continued on the flight to Auckland.”

 ?? ?? Former MP Maggie Barry, pictured in 2020, was so rude on a plane that a passenger asked to move, police notes say.
Former MP Maggie Barry, pictured in 2020, was so rude on a plane that a passenger asked to move, police notes say.

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