The Press

Council offices a risk for quakes, fire and asbestos

- Joanne Naish

The Buller District Council offices are a fire risk, earthquake prone, contain asbestos and breach the building code in several areas.

However, the council’s chief executive is reassuring staff and the public that the offices, in Brougham House on Brougham St in Westport, are “safe to occupy in the meantime”.

A report to councillor­s by the council’s community services group manager, Krissy Trigg, says the most critical issue identified was the building’s concrete columns being a significan­t risk to life in a large earthquake.

An assessment said the building was 34% of the new building standard (NBS), while another assessed it as 45%. Both agreed the concrete columns supporting the roof were a critical structural weakness.

It said an internal stairwell and main electrical switchboar­d cupboard were not fire compliant, creating a high risk for those leaving the building in the event of a fire. The current escape routes were not wide enough and security doors swung inwards, not outwards, and the fire alarm system was ageing.

Asbestos was identified in multiple areas, including a high-risk product found in the boiler room, which would cost up to $80,000 to remove.

The report says a budget of $2.6 million had been put in the 2021-31 long-term plan for assessment and any subsequent work required.

The council had already spent about $236,000 on various reports and assessment­s, $60,000 on upgrading the switchboar­d, and $87,000 on feasibilit­y, project management and procuremen­t processes. It needed another $170,000 to finish the switchboar­d upgrade.

Trigg said the building posed a higher risk than a new building, but there was no requiremen­t to do anything under the Building Act.

“In general, a low % NBS rating is no need for alarm or immediate action. The life safety risk is still very low,” her report said.

Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment guidelines recommende­d mitigation measures such as having an emergency plan and staff education.

Meanwhile, Brougham House did not have a heating system as its coal-fired boiler was no longer serviceabl­e, Trigg said.

“This will become a significan­t issue if not resolved before next winter. Heating and cooling solutions are in progress and will be completed in this financial year.”

The council could continue to use the building in its present state for up to five years, she said.

The assessment­s also found the council’s emergency operations centre at Victoria Square was only 50% of the NBS and did not meet the required level for an emergency centre. The building breached the building code by having no fire alarm system, no hot water supply to the bathrooms, no ventilatio­n in the kitchen and toilets, and no emergency lighting. Asbestos was also found in multiple areas.

Another council report says a new council headquarte­rs on a different site, including a new library, would cost $17.7m, while a new building on the same site would be almost $18m, and an upgrade of the existing offices and Civil Defence buildings would cost $5m.

“While upgrading the council offices and Civil Defence is cost-effective, it could present some limitation­s in terms of space and capacity for future expansion. However, providing a safety working environmen­t for the staff at BDC in the short and mid term presents better to the media and other key stakeholde­rs.”

Council chief executive Steve Gibling said work to identify what needed to be done began in 2021, but was paused due to major flooding events in July 2021 and February 2022.

“Brougham House remains safe to occupy in the meantime, with necessary mitigation­s and clear evacuation procedures in place. Council is actively working towards solutions to ensure the buildings remain conducive to council’s work now and in the future,” he said. Sanjeev Kala

 ?? ALDEN WILLIAMS/THE PRESS ?? The Buller District Council office in Westport.
ALDEN WILLIAMS/THE PRESS The Buller District Council office in Westport.

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