The Press

Leaders lampooned in special leap year paper


Liz Truss is the most “forgettabl­e” British prime minister, and the Olympics should have a Winston Churchill wooden spoon award, according to the world’s only leap year newspaper.

Published in France only on February 29, La Bougie du Sapeur is thus only available once every four years. This year’s issue was the 12th issue of the 20-page tongue-in-cheek paper since its launch in 1980.

Conceived by a group of friends who “wanted to have a laugh”, La Bougie du Sapeur

(The Sapper’s Candle) has a print run of 200,000. This edition’s headline, “We will all be intelligen­t” leads to an article on how AI is doing away with the need for exams and intellectu­al attainment.

Jean d’Indy, the paper’s editor, whose day job is running the French equivalent of the Jockey Club, said: “We try to be silly but not nasty. To poke fun without being cruel.”

While keeping the attributes of a serious paper, with different sections on politics, sport and puzzles, the politicall­y incorrect quadrennia­l is primarily for laughs.

The internatio­nal pages include a short piece that declares Liz Truss the most “forgettabl­e” of modern British prime ministers. Editors of the sport section call for the creation of a Winston Churchill award for the first person to be eliminated in the Olympic Games. They say this is down to the fact that Churchill’s motto was “No Sport”.

La Bougie du Sapeur is named after one of France’s earliest cartoon figures, in tales about life in the army in the 1890s. The paper can be bought only at newsagents and newspaper kiosks. It is priced at €4.90 (NZ$8.70), and does a roaring trade. But Indy has no intention of upping the frequency.

“After the first issue sold out in two days, the newsagents were clamouring for more copies,” he said. “So we said fine, but only in four years’ time!” – Telegraph Group

 ?? ?? The world’s only leap year newspaper has dubbed Liz Truss Britain’s most “forgettabl­e” prime minister.
The world’s only leap year newspaper has dubbed Liz Truss Britain’s most “forgettabl­e” prime minister.

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