The Press

Tips to avoid budget blow-outs when building


When planning a new house build, establish from the outset a clear, realistic budget to avoid blow-outs, and include contingenc­ies for unforeseen costs.

Sourcing multiple quotes and establishi­ng a thorough contract with a reputable builder can mitigate unexpected expenses. Additional­ly, prioritisi­ng essential features over desires, keeping design modificati­ons to a minimum, and selecting cost-effective materials without compromisi­ng on quality can help maintain financial control throughout the project.

While sticking to a budget is crucial, establishi­ng a realistic, accurate budget can be challengin­g, as many factors can affect the overall cost of a build.

Sourcing multiple quotes from different builders will give you an idea of the average cost of your project and allow you to compare prices and services. But don’t choose solely on price; it's essential to select a reputable builder with experience and a good track record to ensure the project runs smoothly.

The contract with your chosen builder should clearly outline all aspects of the project, including timelines, payment schedules, and any potential additional costs. This will help avoid misunderst­andings and unexpected expenses.

When it comes to designing your new home, prioritise necessitie­s over ‘desires’. While it’s tempting to include the latest gadgets and extravagan­t design elements, these additions can quickly add up and blow your budget.

Minimising design modificati­ons also helps control costs, as changes can be costly and cause delays.

Selecting cost-effective materials will help maintain financial control. This does not mean compromisi­ng on quality, but rather choosing materials that offer the best value for money. Working closely with your builder and doing thorough research can help you select durable and affordable options without sacrificin­g the overall quality of your home.

Factor in contingenc­ies for unforeseen costs, as unexpected expenses can arise despite the best planning.

With careful planning and budget management, you can create a beautiful and functional home within your budget.

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 ?? ?? There are so many cool ideas out there and many are achievable on a budget if you shop around, or invest in one pricey ‘must-have’ and compromise on other things.
There are so many cool ideas out there and many are achievable on a budget if you shop around, or invest in one pricey ‘must-have’ and compromise on other things.
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