The Press

Care Free Computing - just a phone call away


Say goodbye to the annoyance of junk emails filling up your inbox! These unsolicite­d nuisances can be avoided with secure and vigilant practices.

At the heart of this solution? You. Your keen eye and cautious clicks are the first, and simplest, layer of protection against these pesky spams.

If something seems amiss, don't give in to curiosity - remember, it's better to be safe than sorry.

Email spammers continue to up their game, sending out a barrage of cleverly disguised spam emails, including some masqueradi­ng as iCloud storage overuse warnings, says Johnny Ellery owner of Care Free Computing.

He points out that you should always scrutinize the sender's email address. If something feels off, refrain from opening the email and verify with the sender via a different communicat­ion mode.

Then there is the nightmare that some face of slow internet or WiFi coverage. But, fair not, because Johnny and his team have got your back on that one too.

Renowned for top-notch home PC servicing, Care Free Computing can revitalise your computer experience with a thorough cleaning of software and hardware, improved antivirus installati­ons, and upgrades to components like hard drives, when needed.

Plus, they can upgrade your antivirus software, and if needed, replace aging components like hard drives.

Need a hand with upgrades, cybersecur­ity, or tech support?

Care Free Computing is just a call away. Local, trusted, and efficient, they provide a free delivery and pick up service as part of their servicing package.

Need a fresh laptop? Their wide range of Acer and Asus models along with an assortment of parts for computer repairs or custom-builds, are eagerly waiting for you.

Offering a personalis­ed service across the Canterbury region, the team at Care Free Computing can help you decide what software is needed, configure your computer, and install the most secure system to keep those unnecessar­y bugs and malware at bay.

For any discussion­s about your computer, WiFi connection, security software or a new purchase, get in touch with Care Free Computing at 0800 PC PICKUP (727 425) or visit

The team is available to make your computing, well, carefree!

 ?? ?? Johnny Ellery of Care Free Computing.
Johnny Ellery of Care Free Computing.

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