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Solo kayaker brent sharp, at 65, is the oldest paddler to attempt the circuit by a decade. along the way, he’s met his hero, kayaking legend paul caffyn. By Joanne Naish.


Aman who is paddling around New Zealand has met the kayaking legend who inspired him. New Plymouth kayaker Brent Sharp, at 65, is the oldest paddler to attempt the circuit by a decade.

Along the way, he’s met his hero, kayaking legend Paul Caffyn, who lives on the West Coast.

Caffyn was the first person to circumnavi­gate the South Island in 1978 and the following year completed a solo trip around the North Island, finishing with a three-hour crossing of Cook Strait, where he copped a pavlova in the face from his support crew.

Caffyn wrote about his adventures in three books in the 1970s and 80s called Obscured By Waves, Cresting the Restless Waves and Dark Side of the Wave.

With a background in the Merchant Navy, shipping, kayaking and diving, the sea has always been part of Sharp’s life, but he only began multi-day adventure kayaking 10 years ago, at 55, after reading Caffyn’s books.

“He showed me it could be done. He was the one that inspired me to get off my bum and give it a go. To spend time on the ocean that appealed like hell. Going solo to new places not many people have been. It's the adventure,” Sharp said.

Sharp completed a circumnavi­gation of the North Island and kayaked from Fiordland to Milford in 2021. He started again on February 17 and is currently kayaking up the West Coast, completing up to nine hours or 50km a day.

“It's been terrific to continue the journey from a couple of years ago, we had to shut up shop for family reasons. It's good to get back in the saddle,” he said.

The West Coast surf makes launching difficult, while the wind and weather all test Sharp’s abilities.

“I need to get the West Coast out of my system. It's pretty gnarly territory. You have to have a good challenge, if it came easy every one would do it,” he said.

A southerly swell held Sharpe up for five days before launching from Hokitika where he was hit hard by a breaker that almost bent him over backwards.

He had a helping hand from Caffyn when he docked at Greymouth on Thursday, March 7.

“He coached me ... over the Grey River bar. He has given me tips, local knowledge and shared his wealth of experience. It was terrific meeting Paul. He has a wealth of knowledge and is a gentleman to go with it.”

Caffyn said he was impressed by Sharp’s endeavours.

“It’s a long time since anyone has had a go at paddling up the West Coast. What impressed me no end when meeting

Brent Sharp for the first time, is that he is a spritely 65 years old,” he said. “I was 31 when I started the South Island paddle, which makes Brent three decades older. Most impressive.”

He said Sharp was applauded by a few onlookers as he paddled up the Grey River on his kayak Secala, a Fijian name for kingfisher.

Caffyn said Sharp “very nearly skittled” him as he waited to catch the kayak bow at the Cobden wave trap. The pair spent an evening going over maps and Caffyn said it was clear Sharpe had plenty of sea experience from many years navigating big ships around the world.

“His careful planning and prior research are obvious with laminated deck charts, and an InReach GPS tracker and VHF radio on his lifejacket. The radio allows Brent to check on landings ahead with his wife Sharon,” Caffyn said.

Sharp will continue the journey for two weeks before returning to work at New Plymouth. As of Friday morning, he was at the Little Wanganui River mouth, south of Karamea, waiting for heavy swell to settle before heading north for Kahurangi Point. If weather permits, he’ll then traverse Farewell Spit. He aims to complete the tour around the South Island and Stewart Island early next year.

 ?? ?? ShArp Crosses the “gnArly” Grey River BAr on the West CoAst under the guidAnCe of PAul CAffyn viA VHS rAdio.
ShArp Crosses the “gnArly” Grey River BAr on the West CoAst under the guidAnCe of PAul CAffyn viA VHS rAdio.
 ?? ?? ShArp And PAul CAffyn shAre A drink At Fox River.
ShArp And PAul CAffyn shAre A drink At Fox River.

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