The Press

Berry and chocolate marshmallo­ws


PREP TIME 40 minutes // COOK TIME 30 minutes MAKES about 16-18 chocolate marshmallo­ws

• 1 cup (120g) raspberrie­s or boysenberr­ies

• 1/₃ cup (80ml) + ½ cup (125ml) water, separated

• 2 tbsp gelatine powder

• 1 1/₃ cups (270g) sugar

• 1/₃ cup (120g) golden syrup or maple syrup • pinch of salt

• 100g dark chocolate, broken into pieces

• 1 tsp coconut oil or butter + extra for greasing • crushed freeze-dried berries for decorating (optional)

1. Lightly rub a sheet of baking paper with butter or coconut oil (a solid at room temperatur­e fat will prevent sticking). Use the paper to line a 20cm x 30cm dish.

2. Place the berries into a small saucepan with the first measure of water –

¹/₃ cup. Cover with a lid and cook over a low heat until the berries soften, about 15 minutes. Tip the berries into a sieve set over a bowl and use the back of a spoon to press out the juice. (Combine the leftover pulp with a little sugar or honey and use it like jam). You will have about ½ cup berry juice. Leave to cool for 10 minutes.

3. Add the gelatine to the cooled berry juice and mix to combine. Set aside to bloom for 10 minutes.

4. Place the remaining ½ cup of water into a saucepan. Add the sugar, syrup, and salt. Heat over a medium low heat to dissolve the sugar then simmer for about 12-15 minutes until the mixture reaches 115°C (or firm ball stage – see notes). The sugar syrup is very hot so be careful.

5. Place the bloomed gelatine into the bowl of a stand mixer – or use a large bowl and handheld electric whisk. Start whisking at a medium speed while slowly pouring in the sugar syrup. Continue to whisk for about 5 minutes until the mixture has tripled in volume. It will look like thick pink meringue. 6. Tip into the lined dish and spread out evenly. The marshmallo­w will thicken fast so move quickly here. Cover with a tea towel – not touching the marshmallo­w – and set aside for 4-5 hours (or overnight) to set.

7. Once set, hold the paper and transfer the sheet of marshmallo­w onto a board. Lightly rub a cookie cutter or sharp knife with butter or coconut oil (to prevent sticking) and cut out shapes, using as much of the marshmallo­w as possible. See notes for what to do with any offcuts.

8. Melt the chocolate and oil/butter in a bowl set over a pan of simmering water. Dip or drizzle the marshmallo­ws with the melted chocolate and place on a rack to set. Scatter with crushed freeze-dried berries (optional). Store the marshmallo­ws in an airtight container in the fridge, separating layers with baking paper to prevent sticking. Consume within 7 days.

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