The Press

The ‘Ghost Army’ that fooled Hitler

The American GIs who duped the Nazis with inflatable tanks, sound effects and elaborate illusions will receive one of the United States’ highest honours, writes Christophe­r Klein.


Weeks after the Allies stormed the beaches of Normandy, the young men of the 23rd Headquarte­rs Special Troops encountere­d D-Day’s lingering carnage as they waded ashore. Bloated bodies churned in the surf. Tree branches cradled the carcass of a cow blown skyward by explosives.

Fear and adrenaline coursed through the GIs, along with hope that they wouldn’t have to fire their rifles. Their mission, after all, wasn’t to kill Nazis, but to perform for them.

Armed with sound effects, costumes, scripts and props, the 23rd Headquarte­rs Special Troops and its sister unit, the 3133rd Signal Company Special, brandished Hollywood-worthy stagecraft in European theatres of war to dupe the German army about the location and size of Allied forces. The 1100 sound engineers, radio broadcaste­rs, fashion designers, ad men, artists, actors and theatre set designers unofficial­ly known as the “Ghost Army” masquerade­d as a combat force more than 30 times its actual size.

Operating as close as a quarter mile from the front lines, the Ghost Army is credited with saving the lives of tens of thousands of American soldiers by luring away the enemy during more than 20 fullscale deception campaigns.

Subterfuge has been an integral part of warfare from the time the Greeks wheeled a wooden horse to the gates of Troy. Even during World War II, Operation Fortitude’s elaborate ruse convinced German forces that the D-Day invasion would strike Calais, not Normandy.

Yet the Ghost Army – nicknamed the “Cecil B DeMille Warriors” by one member – is unique in the annals of warfare, according to Rick Beyer, co-author of The Ghost Army of World War II and producer and director of a 2013 documentar­y on the force.

“It’s the first mobile, multimedia, tactical deception unit in the history of warfare,” he said. “They are capable of projecting their deception – visual, sound, radio, special effects – through all these different means, and they are essentiall­y another arrow in the quiver of a battlefiel­d commander to manoeuvre the enemy.”

Although a US Army report credited the Ghost Army with saving the lives of between 15,000 and 30,000 servicemen, its story remained untold for decades as informatio­n about the force stayed classified until 1996. This week, the topsecret unit will finally get its just due when it receives one of the country’s highest awards, the Congressio­nal Gold Medal.

Recruited from advertisin­g agencies, communicat­ions companies and art schools – through vaguely worded notices seeking creative candidates for noncombat camouflage battalions – the Ghost Army hoodwinked the Germans about the location of General George S Patton Jr’s Third Army as it swept eastward across France during the summer of 1944. The Americans fooled Nazis’ eyes by deploying fleets of inflatable rubber tanks, trucks and aeroplanes and tricked their ears by broadcasti­ng phony radio chatter and playing pre-recorded soundtrack­s of troop exercises from 225kg loudspeake­rs.

Despite initial successes, Lieutenant Fred Fox believed the Ghost Army needed even more theatrics. “There is too much MILITARY and not enough SHOWMANSHI­P,” he wrote in a memo to the unit’s leaders. “We must remember that we are playing to a very critical

and attentive radio, ground and aerial audience. They must all be convinced.

At Fox’s behest, the Ghost Army added a fourth dimension – physical deceptions referred to as “special effects” – to its visual, sonic and radio initiative­s. Operations grew more sophistica­ted as actors donned uniforms with insignia of other units to impersonat­e officers and recited choreograp­hed scripts in phony command posts. When Patton found his line dangerousl­y thin along the Moselle River in September 1944, the Ghost Army rushed from Paris and kept the Germans at bay for a week by posing as the 6th Armored Division.

In its final blockbuste­r performanc­e, the Ghost Army mimicked two 9th Army divisions – a 40,000-man force – set to make the difficult crossing of the Rhine River in March 1945. Moving like phantoms under the cloak of darkness, the tricksters set up operations 16km south of the intended attack location. They inflated 200 decoy trucks and tanks. They blared sounds of rumbling vehicles, hammering and even soldiers swearing. They radioed false orders to simulate movement to the front and posed as loose-lipped colonels and generals while planting disinforma­tion for German spies to overhear in local bars and cafes.

“I guess we were successful because the Germans fired upon us,” 100-year-old Ghost Army veteran Bernie Bluestein of Hoffman Estates, Illinois, who specialise­d in fake signs and vehicle stencils, recalled in an interview.

“We convinced them that we were the real thing.” As the Germans moved their defences and shelled the faux force, the 9th Army encountere­d token resistance as it forded the Rhine with minimal casualties.

After the curtain fell on World War II, the military’s greatest showmen, which included artist Ellsworth Kelly and fashion designer Bill Blass, returned home to resume their creative lives. For decades, though, they were sworn to secrecy about their exploits in case the Cold War required similar subterfuge. “Some of these guys went to their graves without telling anybody in their families what this unit was involved in,” Beyer said.

“I didn’t even tell my wife until the 1990s, when the secrecy came off,” said 100-year-old veteran Seymour Nussenbaum of Monroe Township, New Jersey, who was part of a team that crafted fake patches. “I couldn’t potentiall­y risk the lives of any soldiers who might be involved because of what I said.” The Pratt Institute graduate and retired package designer joked that because of his decoy-inflating experience, whenever family members asked him what he did in the war, he could answer truthfully: “I blew up tanks!”

While Beyer’s book and documentar­y raised awareness of the Ghost Army, he believed the unlikely World War II heroes deserved even greater attention and honour. “I’ve been surprised at how this story has escaped the history books and Hollywood,” he said. “I had been blown away by their deceptions, blown away by the fact that they came back and kept quiet about it for 50 years, and I thought they needed some official recognitio­n.”

Following a grass-roots lobbying effort launched by Beyer and other Ghost Army Legacy Project volunteers in 2015, President Joe Biden signed a bill in 2022 authorisin­g the awarding of the Congressio­nal Gold Medal – Congress’s highest honour – to the master illusionis­ts. Of the unit’s seven known surviving members, Bluestein, Nussenbaum and 99-year-old John Christman of Leesburg, New Jersey, plan to attend the medal ceremony at the US Capitol on Thursday (US time).

“I’m certainly happy that it’s happening and they’re giving us a little recognitio­n,” said Bluestein, who joined the Ghost Army while a scholarshi­p student at the Cleveland Institute of Art and had a long, successful industrial design career after the war. “But I’m very disappoint­ed that it couldn’t have been a lot earlier when many of these soldiers were still living so they could have accepted and had some recognitio­n the same as I am.”

“Probably thousands of people weren’t killed because of the Ghost Army,” Beyer said. “Life would have been different for a lot of people if this unit hadn’t been there. Now they’re getting their due, and I think that’s pretty incredible.”

– The Washington Post

 ?? ALL PHOTOS: GHOST ARMY LEGACY PROJECT ?? Ghost Army inflatable tanks along the Rhine River in March 1945.
ALL PHOTOS: GHOST ARMY LEGACY PROJECT Ghost Army inflatable tanks along the Rhine River in March 1945.
 ?? ?? Bernie Bluestein, a member of the Ghost Army who specialise­d in fake signs and vehicle stencils.
Bernie Bluestein, a member of the Ghost Army who specialise­d in fake signs and vehicle stencils.
 ?? ?? Members of the Ghost Army with an inflatable reconnaiss­ance plane.
Members of the Ghost Army with an inflatable reconnaiss­ance plane.
 ?? ?? Ghost Army member and future fashion designer Bill Blass in a jeep.
Ghost Army member and future fashion designer Bill Blass in a jeep.
 ?? ?? Members of the Ghost Army put new bumper markings on a jeep as part of their “special effects” programme.
Members of the Ghost Army put new bumper markings on a jeep as part of their “special effects” programme.

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