The Press

Today in History


1834 - Northern chiefs meet at Waitangi to choose a national flag, from three suggestion­s drawn up by the Church Missionary Society. They adopt the design known as the United Tribes ensign, incorporat­ing the flag of the Anglican diocese of New South Wales into the Royal Navy’s white ensign.

1852 - Harriet Beecher Stowe’s anti-slavery novel, Uncle Tom’s Cabin, is published.

1854 - Former members of the US Whig Party meet in Wisconsin to establish a new party, which becomes the Republican Party.

1933 - SS leader Heinrich Himmler announces creation of Germany’s first concentrat­ion camp, at Dachau.

1965 - US President Lyndon Johnson notifies Alabama’s governor that he will send federal troops to protect a civil rights march from Selma to Montgomery, to be led by the Rev Martin Luther King Jr.

1969 - Beatle John Lennon marries Japanese artist Yoko Ono in Gibraltar.

1987 - The sale of AZT, a drug shown to prolong the lives of Aids patients, is approved in the US.

1995 - Packages of deadly sarin gas are set off in the Tokyo subway system, killing 12 people and injuring more than 5000.

2019 - The Walt Disney Company acquires

Rupert Murdoch’s 21st Century Fox entertainm­ent business for US$71 billion. 2020 - Star NFL quarterbac­k Tom Brady signs with the Tampa Bay Buccaneers after 20 years with the New England Patriots.


Henrik Ibsen, Norwegian playwright (18281906); Vera Lynn, English singer/actress (1917-2020); Lee “Scratch” Perry, Jamaican musician/inventor (1936-2021); Phil Judd, NZ musician (1953-); Spike Lee, US film-maker (1957-); Lawrence Makoare, NZ actor (1968-); Keven Mealamu, All Black (1979-); Rory Fallon, NZ footballer (1982-).

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