The Press

Knowing when it’s time to call it a day

- Ben Kepes Ben Kepes is a Canterbury-based entreprene­ur and profession­al board member.

I’ve written before about my inglorious career as an electricia­n. While I absolutely appreciate the practical and life skills that completing an apprentice­ship gave me, it’s fair to say that electricia­n-ing wasn’t my sweet spot. I simply didn’t enjoy it and I have vivid memories of the downcast feelings I experience­d on a Sunday afternoon as I realised I had to go to work the next day.

So it’s no surprise that I spent much of my time during my apprentice­ship engaged in anything other than work. Much of this engagement (and, it must be stated, also shared by a couple of my work buddies) involved hanging out at what was an absolute institutio­n in the Wellington cycling scene, Cycle Services.

Cycle Services (CS for those in the know) was a small bicycle shop started by a couple of guys who had a deep passion for cycling and the bicycle industry. For nine years before the new millennium, Cycle Services was the hangout spot for the non-mainstream of Wellington’s cycling community – it was a shop built upon anti-establishm­ent and anticommer­cial precepts.

And then in the year 2000 the team at Cycle Services decided their time was done. They’d achieved what they wanted to, it wasn’t getting any easier making a living in the bicycle industry, and the sector was increasing­ly being dominated by faceless corporates with their nationwide chain of large-format retailing. The CS team decided that, since their raison d’etre was a passion for the industry, once that passion was gone they were better to up sticks and move on.

I’ve been thinking about the Cycle Services team this week since I saw the news that New Zealand fashion icon (both individual­ly and from a brand perspectiv­e) Kate Sylvester was shutting down; and about the quiet satisfacti­on that must come from deciding that the time is right to call it quits.

I don’t have any informatio­n about the reason for the Sylvester shutdown, but having been involved in the apparel industry for almost exactly the same amount of time as Kate Sylvester’s 31-year history, I think I can figure it out.

Making stuff is really hard. Making stuff in a sector that essentiall­y doesn’t exist domestical­ly any more is even harder. Add to that the fact that the current trend is to obsess about the latest tech start-up and its “zero to a billion in five years” story. More pedestrian business examples just don’t garner as much attention and hence are unlikely to attract the investment, the high-calibre staff, and the attention that validates the principals’ time and effort.

Then there is the absolute travesty that is fast fashion – obviously Shein and its container ships full of rubbish just waiting to be deposited in landfill is the poster child, but it started long before Shein was even conceived of.

We live in a world where consumers are interested in the hit of instant gratificat­ion and once people get hooked on that particular high, they need to keep getting their fix. Ergo, more and more Shein container ships spewing their horrendous cargo onto the dedicated populace.

Anyway, enough about Shein. Back to the Kate Sylvester story. What normally happens in these situations is that businesses go to the wall and the business press runs wall-to-wall stories about their demise. The uninformed experts out there all write LinkedIn and Twitter posts opining about what went wrong and how [insert “the board” or “the CEO”] did a terrible job and clearly all blame can be attributed to them.

Actually, it’s a far more complex, nuanced story and sometimes the time has just come to bid adieu. And there is absolutely nothing wrong with that. There is a poetic counterpoi­nt that comes from seeing your vision made real and simply sitting back and enjoying the memories without a pressing need to continue the journey.

So while it is in some ways sad to see Kate Sylvester come to an end, we should celebrate 31 years of apparel success and the countless amazing memories that have been had by individual­s while dressed by Kate.

Cycle Services was an institutio­n and I miss all those hours spent skivving in its workshop. But sometimes it’s just nice to enjoy the memories as distinct from the present. Here’s one to the teams from Cycle Services and Kate Sylvester for saying “it’s time!”

 ?? SUPPLIED ?? Fashion designer Kate Sylvester has recently announced her business is winding down to close in 2025.
SUPPLIED Fashion designer Kate Sylvester has recently announced her business is winding down to close in 2025.

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