The Press

Debt-saturated markets may soon face a ‘Minsky’ moment

- Jeremy Warner

Markets are again at a possible inflection point – and a deeply negative one at that. The sudden escalation in hostilitie­s in the Middle East, and the equally abrupt recalibrat­ion of interest rate expectatio­ns that followed the release of worse than expected US inflation figures, may be the final straw.

In combinatio­n, they amount to a potentiall­y deadly cocktail with widerangin­g implicatio­ns for financial markets made doubly vulnerable by asset price valuations that have been stretched to breaking point and a global economy awash with debt.

Many of the ingredient­s seem to be there for another Minsky moment, named after the US economist Hyman Minsky – the point where markets and economies, overwhelme­d by debt, suddenly collapse.

Minsky’s abiding economic insight is the idea that stability in financial markets breeds instabilit­y. The longer things remain settled and predictabl­e, the more oblivious to risk financial markets become, until eventually the whole edifice comes tumbling down.

You’d have thought that more expensive money alone would be enough to force open the cracks and fragilitie­s in the system, but so far markets have taken it in their stride, riding the tightening cycle relatively unscathed.

But for how much longer? For now, complacenc­y remains the order of the day.

Bizarrely, markets chose not to react to the weekend’s events, but instead focused on the positive – efforts to prevent them from escalating into outright war.

Any negative consequenc­es ought to be digestible, is the view, with policymake­rs standing in the wings to address mishaps.

It’s part of a pattern where every adversity is met with a shrug of the shoulders, and “oh well, it could have been worse” insoucianc­e. Even the oil price failed to react.

Even so, things look poisonous enough; what hitherto had seemed a relatively contained, if horrific, conflict now shows every sign of turning into a wider regional conflagrat­ion, perilously drawing in Israel’s Western allies.

Neither Israel nor Iran has any real interest in widening the conflict; they don’t want outright war, and nor do Israel’s allies. Everyone is scrambling to prevent it. Yet the risk of matters spiralling out of control is high.

It all looked so different just a week ago. Central banks had seemingly pulled off the impossible in engineerin­g an economic soft landing. The inflationa­ry pressures of the past two years appeared to be abating fast, and both households and businesses seemed to be coping well with still high interest rates.

Last year’s banking turmoil, moreover, was well contained, with little evidence of wider systemic damage.

All good then. Normally, a monetary tightening of the speed and size of the one applied over the last two years would have resulted in a significan­t recession.

It’s true that there have been mild, technical recessions in a number of European economies, including Britain, but there’s been virtually no rise in unemployme­nt, and growth is now returning, albeit in stubbornly subdued form.

As for the US, it hasn’t even flirted with recession, and is now growing in a way which is the envy of the world.

Yet the absence of a more significan­t economic correction has left financial markets badly exposed, with stretched valuations – particular­ly in tech-related stocks – and narrowing spreads that pay scant regard for underlying credit risks.

There is little or no room for further shocks or policy errors.

Well, now we have two of them in short order – a sudden ramping up in geopolitic­al tensions and a pronounced shift in the expected trajectory of inflation and therefore interest rates.

Lots of households, businesses and property developers were banking on a steep fall in interest rates to dig them out of a hole.

This now looks likely to happen more slowly than anticipate­d. Many will struggle to refinance themselves on reasonable terms.

And that’ll especially be the case if energy prices spike anew, as seems possible given the turn of events in the Middle East.

Higher than anticipate­d inflation will keep rates higher for longer, punishing the highly indebted, including government­s already teetering on the brink of fiscal crisis.

In any case, the anticipate­d soft landing may turn out to be just another case of wishful thinking.

Sell in May and go away, says the old stock market adage. Maybe that should be brought forward a week or two this time around.

– Telegraph Group

 ?? GETTY IMAGES ?? The absence of a significan­t economic correction has left financial markets badly exposed across the globe.
GETTY IMAGES The absence of a significan­t economic correction has left financial markets badly exposed across the globe.

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