The Press

Woolworths revokes prizes awarded in error

- Esther Taunton

Woolworths has revoked almost 80,000 prizes awarded as part of a promotion.

The Big Night In promotion offers shoppers the chance to win one of 8334 prizes of 4000 rewards points, equal to a $30 voucher, with a selection of winners made each week.

But multiple shoppers contacted Stuff yesterday to say Woolworths had notified them of a win, only to revoke their prize shortly after.

Emails sent to the affected customers read, “Nice one! You've won 4000 Everyday Rewards points from our Big Night In prize draw. Your $30 Everyday Rewards voucher will be added to your Everyday Rewards account within the next 3 days and will be ready for you to redeem in store or online.”

However, subsequent emails said those messages had been sent “in error”.

“Unfortunat­ely we made a mistake, and sent that email to some customers who weren’t drawn as winners. We are sorry to inform you that you were one of those customers.

“We should have done better and, as an apology, we are giving 500 Everyday Rewards points to those customers who were sent the email in error.”

Affected customers who contacted Stuff said the emails put the integrity of the promotion in doubt and that Woolworths should “suck it up and honour its stupid mistake.”

A Woolworths spokespers­on said about 80,000 customers had mistakenly been sent the prize notificati­on email.

“This email was only intended for around 1000 customers and an incorrect audience selection meant that it was sent to other customers mistakenly,” he said.

“We have contacted all of the customers we mistakenly emailed and have given them 500 Everyday Rewards points by way of apology.”

The incident would be reviewed to prevent similar incidents in future, he said.

Consumer NZ spokespers­on Jessica Walker said that although Woolworths may have breached the Fair Trading Act, the act provided a defence to a business that has made a “reasonable mistake”.

“So it’s unlikely it would have to stump up with prizes.

“However, if anyone is unhappy with the offer of 500 points, they should let Woolworths know,” she said.

 ?? AIMAN AMERUL MUNER/STUFF ?? Woolworths has revoked almost 80,000 prizes awarded “in error” as part of a promotion.
AIMAN AMERUL MUNER/STUFF Woolworths has revoked almost 80,000 prizes awarded “in error” as part of a promotion.

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