The Southland Times

West skips Putin Nazi victory parade

- RUSSIA Reuters

Tanks and troops paraded across Moscow’s Red Square yesterday to mark the 70th anniversar­y of victory over Nazi Germany, an event boycotted by Western leaders over Russia’s role in the Ukraine crisis.

Russian President Vladimir Putin used the occasion to whip up patriotism and anti-Western sentiment, while at a parade in Kiev, Ukranian President Petro Poroshenko said Moscow was trying to hog the credit for the WWII victory at Ukraine’s expense.

Though Western leaders stayed away, Putin was joined under the Kremlin’s walls by about 30 foreign leaders, including Chinese President Xi Jinping.

In a sign of closer ties between the two, a column of Chinese troops took part. United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon was among the spectators, as were dignitarie­s from India, former Soviet republics and communiste­ra allies such as Cuba.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel skipped the parade, as did United States President Barack Obama and the French and British leaders, but was to attend a wreath-laying ceremony in Moscow today.

War veterans watched from the grandstand, chests bristling with medals, while crowds choked side streets around the Kremlin, cheering as fighter jets roared overhead.

‘‘Victory Day is the most important holiday for Russia. In practicall­y every Russian family, someone has died fighting for this country,’’ said 43-year-old former marine Alexander Smolkin, wearing his light-blue beret, medals and military fatigues. ‘‘My own grandfathe­r died defending Russia. This is our day to remember them.’’

Putin has said fascism could be on the rise again and suggested other countries were rewriting history to play down Moscow’s role in winning the war.

‘‘The basic principles of internatio­nal co-operation have been ignored more often in the last decades – the principles that were hard won by humankind following the global hardships of the war,’’ he told ranks of soldiers.

‘‘We’ve seen attempts to create a unipolar world,’’ he said, echoing a 2007 speech when he lambasted the West’s world view.

Putin later led more than 500,000 people holding pictures of relatives who fought in the war through Red Square, one of the largest turnouts in memory for the ‘‘Immortal Regiment’’ march.

‘‘I’m very happy my father is with me now, I’m holding his portrait,’’ Putin said in a televised broadcast.

Many Russians saw the West’s boycott as disrespect. An estimated 27 million Soviet citizens were killed in the war, which began for the Soviet Union when the Nazis invaded in 1941. Ukraine says it lost 8-10 million citizens, including 3.5 million who fought in Soviet forces.

Photo: ?? Soviet World War II T-34 tanks drive during a festive concert marking the 70th anniversar­y of the end of WWII in Europe, at Red Square in Moscow.
REUTERS Photo: Soviet World War II T-34 tanks drive during a festive concert marking the 70th anniversar­y of the end of WWII in Europe, at Red Square in Moscow.

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