The Southland Times

Don’t regret sending an email


defence contractor executives for prostitute­s, referring to them as ‘‘bodyguards’’ or ‘‘cheesecake’’ or even just as ‘‘food’’, according to court records.

Companies have gone to some lengths to safeguard their servers. And surveys show that people have grown suspicious about the sanctity of their private missives and personal informatio­n.

‘‘People have become more anxious over time. There’s this palpable sense when you do surveys or focus groups that people feel they’ve lost control of their informatio­n,’’ said Lee Rainie, the director of Pew Research’s Internet and American Life Project.

The basic step companies could take to keep their emails from hackers’ prying eyes is encryption – but it’s not always an easy sell.

‘‘Businesses kind of know they should be encrypting emails and sometimes they take steps towards that. But it can become an inconvenie­nce, especially when you add mobile devices into the mix,’’ said Richard Bejtlich, chief security strategist at cybersecur­ity firm FireEye. ‘‘Some businesses decide it’s just not worth it.’’

Daniel Hill, involved with crisis communicat­ions with business and celebrity clients, said he now warns that even voicemails that are transcribe­d and sent by email ‘‘now becomes admissible’’ in court.

‘‘Emailing is just a dangerous thing,’’ he said, even if you’re copied in on an email and never participat­e in the conversati­on.

Hill said he counsels clients to spend more time meeting people in person. ‘‘We’re big on personal contact,’’ he said.

But even though they know the potential perils, people keep pressing send on emails in haste. Why? One reason is often anger and the instant gratificat­ion of acting on it in a digital medium that doesn’t always allow for sober thought and reflection, said Brad Bushman, a communicat­ions and psychology professor at Ohio State University.

‘‘Angry people behave very impulsivel­y,’’ he explained.

‘‘Anger sort of narrows your attention span and makes you focus on the here and now – plus it feels good.

‘‘That’s another problem about venting. People love to do it.’’ Another reason is the basic need for validation and the innate human desire to complain. ‘‘When someone is supportive of our feelings, it’s validating and can help you move on,’’ said Imran Riaz, a psychologi­st who specialise­s in impulse control.

And then there’s good, old fashioned denial: ‘‘Even though you’re aware of the fact that these things can get out, sometimes you ignore the fact that it could happen to you,’’ said Ryan Martin, chairman of the psychology department at the University of Wisconsin.

All of those factors can team up and crescendo into a big ball of regret. And everyone has a tale of their own.

‘‘Let me tell you a story,’’ Lee Dougherty said.

He’s a lawyer, who specialise­s in government contracts, and when he’s in the middle of a dispute, he often filed a Freedom of Informatio­n Act request for emails because he knows that the mix of anger, the need to complain and the dark powers of denial can lead to victory in the courtroom.

‘‘They can’t resist,’’ he said, which means he ‘‘may very well get the smoking gun’’.

But this story isn’t about a case. It’s about a former colleague. A lawyer, who should have known better.

Their boss was a bit of a control freak, who obsessivel­y read everyone’s work emails.

Clients would write Dougherty without copying the boss and still the boss would respond, ‘‘Lee, did you follow up with this person?’’

And yet his colleague still went ahead and insulted the boss in an email, Dougherty said, calling him the ‘‘Eye of Souran,’’ the all-seeing eye from the Lord of the Rings.

‘‘So here you have an intelligen­t lawyer’’ who knows her communicat­ions are being monitored, Dougherty said.

‘‘And yet she’s still talking about him.’’ Washington Post

 ??  ?? Even though they know the potential perils, people keep pressing send on emails in haste.
Even though they know the potential perils, people keep pressing send on emails in haste.

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