The Southland Times



Heritage buildings

It is not often that I am lost for words but the letter I have been trying to write for some months regarding the place of our Heritage buildings in the future prosperity of Southland was there on page A11 of Saturday’s Times (27 August) under the heading ‘Our heritage offers us our brand’.

Philip Todd is to be congratula­ted for his excellent article, as are previous letter writers extolling the virtues of protecting and adapting our world class buildings for 21st Century needs.

Those of us privileged to attend ‘In Plain Site’, an illustrate­d address by Mick Hesselin, were left in no doubt as to the quality of the many important buildings we have in Invercargi­ll, and, as is well documented, in the wider Southland province. It is obvious that there is a wider constituen­cy beyond the business fraternity who value the preservati­on and enhancemen­t of our built heritage.

Together we can work towards this shared goal of bringing the CBD back to vibrant life, creating an artistic and cultural hub, accommodat­ing all who would delight in apartment living, supporting small businesses and offering ourselves as well as visitors a renewed appreciati­on of what surrounds us – and has perhaps been taken for granted, until the Christchur­ch earthquake­s showed us what we could lose and what we are still very fortunate to have as part of our daily lives.

The other good news is that adaptive reuse of these heritage buildings is a low-carbon alternativ­e to new concrete ones, so embracing this concept moves us further towards a low-carbon future, along with Venture’s Wood Energy initiative, the Guyton’s food forest, energy from effluent, dark sky lighting, energy efficiency, and other exciting projects, which all contribute to a strong economy, and a sustainabl­e future. Chris Henderson Lumsden Thinner blue line Burglaries have increased over the last year or so. The slow response or even lack of response may well have encouraged these bad boys to up their activities.

Other sectors of law enforcemen­t have take priority.

Every year for the last eight years the budget for law enforment has increased so we are told but there are less police officers per thousand population than there were ten years ago..

Our PM has announced that there will be increase in personnel in the next few week or so, that every burglary can be attended and investigat­ed by the police.

There must have been a big increase in the flash Auckland areas for such a move.

This will stretch The Thin Blue Line even thinner Jim Fish Invercargi­ll Sugar intake Re Jim Fish’s letter; Diabetes type 2 due to sugar intake .. and fatty foods.

Well, it has been managed by reducing markedly or eliminatin­g not only added sugar, as well as sweet and starchy foods, grains, legumes and sweet vegetables, along with increasing natural fats from nuts and animals, to compensate for reduced energy intake and supply important fat soluble nutrients.

Processed fats and oils are quite different.

Wheat flour (bread buns, muffins, cereals, porridge etc) are more of a glucose challenge than sugar for some.

Columnist Dr Libby referred to at least 50 per cent ’’natural’’ unprocesse­d fat in her diet.

Surprising­ly, other complaints are likely to vanish, and in What the Fat 2015 by Auckland Professor Grant Schofield AUT, and a chef and dietitian, even shocking incurable diseases of the brain have been helped.

1984 psychiatri­st William Philpott published Victory over Diabetes (on some local doctor’s shelves), that sorts out exactly what each individual should avoid to prevent or reverse diabetes.

Alzheimers would improve too. Barry Sears, PhD in the series of books on the (glucose) ‘Zone’ diet that sorts out glucose levels, quoted an Alzheimers case about to be hospitalis­ed, went on the zone program adding high essential fatty acids, and was normal in a month.

However, substitute non calorie sweeteners allow the sweet tooth to continue, (any sweet taste boosts glucose), appear to increase weight slightly. and have been proved to cause serious disease in some cases. e.g at least some MS and Autism, according to Woodrow Monte, Emeritus Professor (nutrition), Texas. Marie Lockie Invercargi­ll

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