The Southland Times

How to exercise on the cheap


You don’t have to spend an hour or so working out at your gym, only to spend the rest of the day sitting. Sitting in an office, sitting in a vehicle, or sitting in front of the TV for most of the day lessens the effect of an hour’s worth of exercise.

Instead, use the world around you to get your workout - not shoved into one crowded hour, but doing a minute here and a minute there, all throughout the day.

Doing sets that are spread out over your waking hours can be really beneficial. Your muscles get to recover from each set before you do another one.

First, use your phone or a small notebook to write down which exercise and how many sets you do. Do five to 15 reps of each exercise, and at least three sets.

For example, do push-ups on the sturdy surface of a counter or desk. The lower the surface, the more muscle effort it will require. Put your palms on the surface, move your feet back as far as you can, keep your body flat, then lower yourself to the backs of your hands.

Push-ups work your shoulders, chest muscles, triceps and biceps. Your arms and upper body will become toned if you do them, and your upper-body strength will increase.

You can do these in the office when no-one’s looking if you want to do them at work.

Step-ups are another exercise you can do casually, especially in a park with a line of benches. Step up on a bench, walk to the end, step down, step up onto the next bench. You can also use rocks or raised curbs.

This exercise works the entire lower body - your glutes (backside), thighs and calf muscles. This is an especially good exercise if you spend long hours sitting. Walk around to find places near your home or office that can be used for step-ups.

Squats are considered one of the best exercises a person can do - even without a loaded bar. The great thing about squats are that you can do them with very little notice.

Walk down a corridor, stop and do a few squats. Make sure you do them deep, so that your butt is lower than your knees. If you’re new to them, use a wall or sturdy piece of furniture to keep your balance.

This exercise works the hamstrings and quadriceps, plus your hips and glutes. It also works to keep the tendons and ligaments of the hips, knees and ankles from contractin­g from lack of use.

You might be concerned that others may stare if they see you doing exercises in the office or walking down the street. But you’ll be surprised at how few folks will actually care.

Exercising on the go, rather than joining a gym, will be so satisfying and productive that you’ll feel like a winner. And you won’t be paying for a gym membership.

Wina Sturgeon is the editor of the online magazine Adventure Sports Weekly.

 ?? 123RF ?? Pushups are a great exercise - and you don’t need a gym to do them.
123RF Pushups are a great exercise - and you don’t need a gym to do them.
 ??  ?? Exercising on the go is easy and cheap.
Exercising on the go is easy and cheap.

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