The Southland Times

Community helps powerless man


Almost two years living without power took its toll, but 62-year-old beneficiar­y Ron Matthews is getting back on his feet.

Since Fairfax reported on Matthews in May, he said things had improved.

He now has a case manager at Work and Income, a support worker, had his benefit increased about $30 a week from $203.85 and is seeking healthcare, but he was mostly thankful for the members of the community who had rallied around to help him out.

Someone had dropped off firewood, another dropped off meat and last week Awarua Synergy fitted his house with free ceiling insulation, Matthews said.

He said it was ‘‘unreal’’ the work the team put in to make his house warmer and dryer, and to save him on firewood.

Three vans and four cars pulled up and people worked for about an hour to install insulation in his ceiling, fitted his house with smoke alarms and put a door excluder on his back door to keep the heat in, he said.

‘‘They were really good. You can notice the difference ... you don’t sit here with a jersey on any more.’’

But it was the thought that counted for Matthews, who said he was grateful for all the help he got from everybody.

‘‘I’m happy now, things are getting done. I am happy,’’ he said.

Awarua Synergy general manager Sumaria Beaton said on Friday that 16 staff members went to Matthews’ house in Kennington to fit it with free insulation.

For the past month staff had been saving insulation scraps then donated a couple of bales to make up for the shortfall in scrap to insulate the house, she said.

As well as insulation, staff member BJ Hollands had given Matthews meat and a small burner to cook on, and staff member Mark Eramiha bought him a piece for his chainsaw he needed to cut firewood, Beaton said.

Matthews said the experience had taught him the true worth of a dollar, but he was not the only one struggling.

‘‘I hope other people get benefit from it [sharing his story] because it’s not just me,’’ he said.

 ?? KAVINDA HERATH/FAIRFAX NZ 634357835 ?? It has been almost two years since Ron Matthews made the decision to turn the power off to save costs.
KAVINDA HERATH/FAIRFAX NZ 634357835 It has been almost two years since Ron Matthews made the decision to turn the power off to save costs.

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