The Southland Times

Staff get nothing despite wrongful sacking


OPINION: A man who was dismissed through a text message has won his case for unjustifie­d dismissal in the Employment Relations Authority. But despite being wrongfully dismissed, he did not receive any money.

He was employed by Yankee Bourbon Company Ltd as a factory worker. During the 63 days he worked there he would often arrive late and then take a coffee break before he had even started work. He used company vehicles for personal use without permission, using fuel the company paid for. He was issued with a mobile phone for work and he would watch pornograph­y on it during work time.

He was certainly not what most would consider a good employee. Why shouldn’t an employer be able to dismiss someone who behaves like this?

Despite his actions, the Employment Relations Authority found that he was wrongly dismissed. Although he was only in the job for 63 days, there was no valid trial period and the employer neglected to take appropriat­e steps before dismissing him, such as meeting with him to discuss concerns and giving him a chance to respond.

While the employer’s process was lacking, the staff member’s poor behaviour constitute­d ‘‘contributo­ry conduct’’ and the authority saw fit to reduce any compensati­on he might have received for being dismissed by 100 per cent. Accordingl­y, he did not receive any money from his employer as compensati­on.

The authority and the court have a wide discretion to reduce awards to the extent that the employee’s own actions have contribute­d to their misfortune.

As seen in this case, an award can be removed altogether if the employee’s behaviour is exceptiona­lly bad.

The Court of Appeal has previously stated that a 50 per cent reduction for contributo­ry conduct would be very significan­t. Despite this, the authority continues to be willing to reduce awards up to 100 per cent when the facts allow it.

Last month the authority found that a chef working in Kapiti was unjustifia­bly dismissed after attempting to sell methamphet­amine to her colleagues. While overseas in Fiji, a director of the restaurant received a text message from a friend saying that the chef had been offering staff methamphet­amine.

When the director returned to Wellington she confronted the chef, who denied the allegation­s. The director spoke to employees, two of whom confirmed they had been offered drugs by the chef.

When the chef arrived for work the next day the director told her that ‘‘anyone who was offering drugs to my staff would not be tolerated’’. The chef was not given a chance to respond and was dismissed immediatel­y.

The authority found the dismissal to be unjustifie­d as the director did not carry out a proper investigat­ion, should have also given the employee an opportunit­y to respond to the allegation­s and then considered the response with an open mind.

The chef asked for three months’ wages plus $10,000 in compensati­on. However, despite finding the dismissal unjustifie­d, the authority refused to order any compensati­on or payment.

The authority found that, on the basis of the evidence before it, the chef did offer methamphet­amine to staff as alleged.

The authority concluded that in light of this finding, the chef’s conduct was so egregious that it deprived her of any right to compensati­on.

There appears to be a common misconcept­ion that if an employer’s dismissal process is flawed the employee gets off scotfree and can seek compensati­on, regardless of how they behaved previously.

Although it is crucial that employers carry out a thorough process in even the most difficult situations, these recent authority decisions show that employees will still be held responsibl­e for their actions. These two decisions accord with common sense.

Most people would agree that employees responsibl­e for such conduct should not get anything from their employers when everything is considered.

Of course, employers are on far stronger grounds if they do follow a proper procedure and they are not left to rely on persuading the authority that 100 per cent contributo­ry conduct occurred. It’s too big a risk.

Peter Cullen is a partner at Cullen – the Employment Law Firm. He can be contacted at

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