The Southland Times

Invercargi­ll candidates talk water issues


Intensive farming and water were two of the main topics to confront Invercargi­ll candidates at a public meeting last night.

About 20 people turned up to the candidates meeting, that was hosted by the Southland Water Forum at the Invercargi­ll Library.

NZ First MP Ria Bond, Labour Party candidate Dr Liz Craig and Green Party candidate Rochelle Surendran were present.

Invercargi­ll MP Sarah Dowie was unable to attend, but did provide a statement that was read out.

Two of the most topical questions asked related to whether any of the parties would introduce a stock limit on dairy farms, and views on water and exporting it.

Bond admitted that the environmen­tal and climate policy was not her strong suite as she had been focussed on social and health policy, and that she wasn’t able to give a definite answer.

Surendran said the Green Party had called for a moratorium to put a halt to dairy farm conversion­s. The party would look at ways to work with farmers to move away from intensive practices, and that might include lower stocking rates.

Craig said Labour would look to bring in a policy that forced farmers to apply for a resource consent if they wanted to intensify their farming.

In regard to exporting water, Bond said it was concerning to NZ First that there was a lack of kickbacks coming from water exports, which was why Winston Peters had called for exporters to pay a royalty.

Craig said Labour was looking to introduce a policy to bring a charge of 1 to 2 cents per litre of water that is bottled, while Surendran said the Greens were looking at a policy that would result in water exporters charged 10c/litre of water exported overseas.

The Southland Water Forum is a group formed to advocate for water quality.

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