The Southland Times

Isis driven from its one-time capital


SYRIA: United States-backed forces in Syria claimed yesterday they had full control of the Islamic State’s one-time capital of Raqqa, heralding an end to the militants’ presence in their most symbolical­ly important stronghold and raising new questions about the US future role in Syria.

Mustafa Abdi, a spokesman for the Syrian Democratic Forces, or SDF, said military operations had halted and the joint Kurdish-Arab force were clearing the city of explosive devices and hunting for sleeper cells.

‘‘There is an air of jubilation in the city. People are overjoyed that they are scourge.’’

The US military said a formal victory announceme­nt will come after SDF forces are sure no pockets of Islamic State resistance remain in the city.

Kurdish and Arab fighters took to the streets to celebrate the end of the battle they have fought for four months, parading around the deserted, destroyed city, according to photograph­s posted on social media. One showed the offensive’s commander, Rojda Felat, waving a large yellow-and-red SDF flag in Naim Square, where the Islamic State carried out its beheadings. finally rid of this

By the time the battle was over, Raqqa had lost all strategic significan­ce to the group that had once used the city to showcase its brutality and plot attacks against the West. The fall of the Iraqi city of Mosul in July and the loss of large areas of territory in east Syria to Syrian government forces leave the militants in control of only one sizeable stretch of territory, spanning the Iraqi-Syrian border.

But the capture of Raqqa by the SDF, backed by US airstrikes and American advisers on the ground, nonetheles­s marks a milestone in the US-led war against the Islamic State.

In Washington, a US military spokesman, Colonel Ryan Dillon, called it ‘‘momentous’’. He said Islamic State has now lost 87 per cent of the territory it once controlled and that 6500 fighters remain, out of tens of thousands at the peak of its prowess.

The victory also intensifie­s growing questions about what comes next. The remaining Islamic State stronghold­s in Syria lie to the south in the province of Deir al-Zour, where the Syrian government and its Iranianbac­ked and Russian allies are making fast progress.

– Washington Post

 ?? PHOTO: REUTERS ?? Syrian Democratic Forces fighters ride atop military vehicles as they celebrate victory in Raqqa, Syria.
PHOTO: REUTERS Syrian Democratic Forces fighters ride atop military vehicles as they celebrate victory in Raqqa, Syria.

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