The Southland Times

Bone density scanner in Qtown

- Debbie Jamieson

A Queenstown radiograph­er has set up a new business with the first bone density scanner in the region.

Lisa Bates imported the $100,000 dual energy X-ray absorbimet­ry (Dexa) scanner from the United States with the idea of setting up her own business.

It was only possible since the Radiation Protection Act was rewritten to allow radiograph­ers to hold a licence for X-ray equipment. Previously only specialist radiograph­ers were permitted.

Bates has been a radiograph­er for 20 years, working recently for the Southern District Health Board in Queenstown and with private company Pacific Radiology. She is continuing that work for now but wanted to establish her own business.

‘‘The closest ones of these are in Invercargi­ll and Dunedin so previously anyone from Queenstown, Wanaka or Cromwell would have to travel,’’ she said.

The Dexa measures bone density and confirms cases of osteoporos­is, most likely found in people aged over 50. Postmenopa­usal women are of particular risk but also those with a family history of the disease, and smokers and drinkers. People with thyroid, parathyroi­d or bowel absorption issues also face increased risk levels.

It is usually discovered when a person fractures a bone and the patient is referred for a scan by a general practition­er, but scans can be taken from the age of 50 to assess whether there are changes in bone density, allowing treatment to begin before a serious incident.

The scanner also does body composite screening: mapping the body in terms of lean muscle, fat and bone content.

Bates said setting up her first business, known as Form Imaging, was a ‘‘steep learning curve’’. She wrote a business plan before approachin­g the bank.

‘‘They said they would fund it so I ran out of reasons not to do it. I decided in December it was now or never.’’

 ??  ?? Queenstown radiograph­er Lisa Bates has started a new business with a $100,000 dual energy X-ray absorbimet­ry scanner.
Queenstown radiograph­er Lisa Bates has started a new business with a $100,000 dual energy X-ray absorbimet­ry scanner.

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