The Southland Times

May hangs on as Labour rebels support Brexit bill


Theresa May’s future as Prime Minister was saved by four Labour MPs as she avoided a critical Commons defeat on Brexit by the narrowest of margins.

Twelve Remain-supporting Tory rebels defied their party by voting with Labour as they tried to force the Government to seek a customs union with the EU.

Conservati­ve whips had warned their MPs that if May lost the knife-edge vote her authority would have been so badly undermined that it would trigger a general election.

The mutineers refused to budge, reportedly telling the whips to ‘‘sod off’’, but the Government won with a majority of 307-301, thanks to four Labour Brexiteers who defied their own whip. Had they obeyed Jeremy Corbyn, May would have lost by two votes.

May is not yet out of danger, as she could yet face a no-confidence vote in her leadership in the next week.

The Prime Minister had hoped to bring forward the start of Parliament’s summer recess to today, which would have thwarted any immediate attempt to hold a vote on her leadership.

But she had to abandon the plan after an internal backlash led by Sajid Javid, the Home Secretary, meaning she faces an anxious wait to see if her MPs try to topple her.

May has to face the 1922 Committee of back-bench Tory MPs after two days of furious mudslingin­g on the Government benches. Boris Johnson, who resigned as foreign secretary over the Chequers agreement, is also expected to intervene by making his resignatio­n speech in Parliament today, though allies said Johnson would not make any personal attacks on May.

Sir John Major, the last Conservati­ve prime minister to face a no-confidence vote, on Tuesday suggested that Tory in-fighting could put Jeremy Corbyn in No 10.

Sir John told ITV News that May was in a ‘‘more difficult position’’ now than he was in the nineties, when hardline Euroscepti­cs in his party – whom he referred to as ‘‘b------s’’ – destroyed the government over the Maastricht treaty.

Sir John was defeated by a landslide in 1997 which began 13 years of Labour rule.

On Tuesday May was forced to accept four changes to her customs plans from Brexiteers that they believe will kill off her Chequers plan.

Earlier yesterday she lost a Brexit vote in the Commons for only the second time when an amendment to the trade bill requiring UK participat­ion in the European medicines regulatory network was passed by four votes.

However, it was the Remainers’ attempt to force a change on her customs plan that threatened her future, as it directly contradict­ed her Chequers plan.

Whips tried to bring rebels into line by telling them their actions would lead to a noconfiden­ce vote in May, which in turn could lead to a general election that Jeremy Corbyn could win.

Two Tory MPs who rebelled in the first vote supported the Government yesterday, along with four others who had rebelled in the past, suggesting the tactic may have had some success. – Telegraph Group

 ?? GETTY IMAGES ?? Home Secretary Sajid Javid leaves Downing Street yesterday in London.
GETTY IMAGES Home Secretary Sajid Javid leaves Downing Street yesterday in London.

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