The Southland Times

Comfrey blanket



Plant comfrey – buy it or beg a root from someone with it. They should have plenty to spare as once this wonder perennial is establishe­d it is not easy to get rid of. No matter, its deep roots mine calcium, iron, iodine, potassium, phosphorus et al, which make it a great plant around fruit trees.

When it dies back in autumn, the thick leaves form a mulch, eventually returning all the nutrients to the upper layers of the soil, where other plants can use them. Leaves are also good added to compost, to the bottom of planting holes and in compost teas.


If you haven’t sown your tomato seeds, do so pronto. Sow under cover. They take about 10 days to germinate and another five or six weeks before they are big enough to plant outside.

In all but the warmest parts of the country, tomatoes (and corn, courgettes, peppers and pumpkins) are best not planted out until early to mid November.

Frosts are not necessaril­y the danger in October and November, but a cold snap during that time will set back the plants, sometimes severely.

Prepare ground for tomatoes by digging compost into the soil. Choose somewhere sunny and where the soil is not too heavy.


Sow tender vegetables, such as aubergines, courgettes, melons, pumpkins, peppers under cover – such as a sunny window sill, glasshouse, cold frame, verandah and so on.

Globe artichokes may be sown directly into the soil. Sow about three times the depth of the seed. A free-draining or sandy soil is best; they do not thrive in wet or heavy clay. Offshoots may be propagated now. Cut off rooted suckers at least 20cm to 30cm long from establishe­d plants and replant promptly, up to 2 metres apart.


Many perennials grow so large they flop over, so put in supports such as wire hoops now. It is easier to do it while the plant is small. As well, if the plant grows up and through the support, it will hide it – much more attractive!

Perennials most likely to need support include campanulas, dahlias, delphinium­s, helianthus, Michaelmas daisies, oriental poppies, peonies, rudbeckia and solidago.

Many, many flowering annuals and biennials may be sown direct into the garden now. Head to the seed rack at your local garden centre or go online and choose to your heart’s desire.

– Mary Lovell-Smith

 ??  ?? Plant comfrey to supercharg­e your fruit trees.
Plant comfrey to supercharg­e your fruit trees.

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