The Southland Times

Woods to Mickelson: Double it


In almost every way, this week’s US$9 million (NZ$13.1m) showdown between Tiger Woods and Phil Mickelson will be a wild departure from golf’s traditions.

Throughout the 18-hole showdown dubbed ‘The Match’, Woods and Mickelson will be making various side bets, or ‘‘challenges’’ with one another.

For example, can Tiger save par from that bunker, or can Phil sink that putt? Unlike the prize purse, the money wagered will come out of the players’ pockets, and winnings will be donated to charity.

The first bet has already been placed – US$200,000 (NZ$293,000) that Mickelson will birdie the first hole. Mickelson offered to put up US$100,000 (NZ$146,000) that he’d birdie the hole and Woods responded, ‘‘double it’’.

Speaking with Bloomberg Television, both golfers discussed their familiarit­y with gambling. Mickelson said side bets were good for training by simulating pressure. Woods called it ‘‘an integral part of the game’’.

‘‘We’ve always embraced it, Phil and I, in how we’ve taken chances on a golf course,’’ Woods said.

‘‘Whether it’s a weekend round with our buddies or a practice round out on tour, we’re always trying to have a little bit of an edge and have a bit of fun out there.’’

The event starting tomorrow will be held at a Las Vegas golf course owned by MGM Resorts Internatio­nal, and the event will also embrace gambling in other ways.

Mickelson said the telecast would feature live odds on screen, and that some fans would be able to bet shot by shot. That experience would give viewers ‘‘a glimpse of what the future of watching sports will be,’’ Mickelson said.

Golf is expected to benefit greatly from more widespread legal gambling, now free for US states to legalise after a Supreme Court decision in May.

The sport could use the increased viewership, and its hole-by-hole nature lends itself well to live wagers, which are becoming the preferred type of bets.

The PGA Tour, like all major US sports leagues, is in the process of figuring out how much it wants to embrace the new industry. It’s also clearly something the players do among themselves.

‘‘Wagering is part of what we do in the game of golf,’’ Woods said.

‘‘It’s just enough to make it uncomforta­ble, or make you think about that one particular shot, or the next shot. That’s what’s going to be the fun part for everyone viewing, they’re going to realise it’s a lot like what they do at their home club.’’

 ??  ?? Phil Mickelson and Tiger Woods face off in Las Vegas ahead of ‘‘The Match’’.
Phil Mickelson and Tiger Woods face off in Las Vegas ahead of ‘‘The Match’’.

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