The Southland Times

We must never be too busy for our kids

- Jo Smith Opinion

One of the wee darlings has asked and asked to do something now for a couple of weeks. ‘‘Yes, we can do that. Love to, what a great idea.’’ It hasn’t happened. Perhaps you can relate. Maybe you quietly hoped it would be forgotten even. Because quite frankly, you are busy enough.

Perhaps also, every time you’ve asked the wee darling to do anything, you are reminded of this one thing you promised you’d do.

Your defensive response is to rattle off the many (many) things you have actually done for said child this week and don’t be forgetting how busy we are. Ah yes, we’ve been so busy doing other stuff for you child. Fun stuff. Not-so-fun stuff.

Honestly, we both know you may as well be beaming that out to Mars.

Ignoring all you’ve said and done, you’ll be repeatedly asked when this thing will happen, leading to the familiar tunes of,

‘‘You said we would . . .’’

‘‘You never play with me . . .’’

‘‘You’re always too busy to . . .’’

You will be reminded of everything you do for everyone else in, like, the whole world.

You know the drill – you never do what you say you’re going to and, by the way, you’re always in a rush.

Don’t you love how our kids look at time so differentl­y to us?

So much playing to be done in a day, so much laughter to be had, so many hugs to give away to you.

So many arguments about what’s fair and what’s not fair at all. All that and school.

Are we getting too busy for our kids? Are you constantly thinking or saying,

‘‘I wish I had the time.’’

‘‘I don’t have any time.’’

Heads up. You’ve got time.

The same amount each day.

You don’t get any more or less than the next person. Maybe you just need to look at what you are doing with it. It’s not rocket science.

Experts tell us that we find the time for things that are really important to us.

Do we need to take an inventory of our time then? It’s easy to see our day/week as a busy mess but if we break it down hour by hour if might not look so chaotic.

Surely, we can find time to just ‘‘be’’ with our kids – not being the taxi, bank, chef, relentless cleaner, money earner etc. Can you see great value in chilling out with them, playing with them, ahem keeping your promises?

If hanging with your kids has gone by the wayside, who cares that you might need to diarise it right now? Focus on the fact that you are finding the time. Half an hour at a time. The rest will sort itself out. You can bet that all the wee darlings will care about is the fact you’re running ‘round outside like an idiot with them.

It’s a crazy busy old time of year but last you checked, what time of your year wasn’t?

You’ve got time.

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