The Southland Times

Cold War’s stunning love story


Cold War (M, 89 mins) Directed by Pawel Pawlikowsk­i Reviewed by Graeme Tuckett ★★★★★

Cold War is a love story. However, it’s a love story set across physical and emotional landscapes that do not lend themselves easily to the passions and obsessions of the human players.

Wiktor (Tomasz Kot) is a musical director and musician touring the snow-covered Polish countrysid­e in the years immediatel­y after World War II, looking for songs and music to maybe incorporat­e in a show.

Next to him, the quiet and watchful Irena (Agata Kulesza) records and observes. A government functionar­y with some ill-defined but sinister purpose shadows the pair everywhere, making his own recordings, hinting at strife to come.

When the beautiful and soulful Zula (Joanna Kulig) strides into Wiktor’s orbit, he is immediatel­y smitten.

What follows is a decade-long ricochet across Europe, as the starcrosse­d pair tries to find a city and a place within themselves where they might be able to pause and allow their affair to grow.

I loved this film and these people. I loved their insecuriti­es, uncertaint­ies, passions and the way that music is a constant companion and guiding force in their lives.

The soundtrack in Cold War is not in the background to be merely heard. Music is pushed to the front of the film, to be listened to and travelled with. While Zula contemplat­es Wiktor after a brief but telling argument, Billie Holiday’s The Man I Love is on the radio. The pair fall in love – incontrove­rtibly – to Louis Jordan’s Is You Is or Is You Ain’t My Baby.

Most film-makers struggle for one perfect on-screen moment in their careers. Pawel Pawlikowsk­i delivers a good handful in every film.

Cold War is a sparse film that does everything it needs to in a perfectly weighted 89 minutes.

Pawlikowsk­i’s decision to shoot in black and white, and 1.37.1 ratio (Academy ratio) explicitly evokes the best of 1930s cinema, which was all that could be seen in 1940s Poland, while also allowing Pawlikowsk­i to push his contrasts of light and dark into places that would look ludicrous in colour.

There is plenty of justificat­ion for this hyperreali­st approach, beyond the sheer gorgeousne­ss of what Pawlikowsk­i is getting on to the screen. Anyone who has seen his 2013 Ida will understand.

Cold War is an evocation of love, music, passion and heartbreak set against ice, rubble and fear. It is a lean and perfect gem.

 ??  ?? Tomasz Kot and Joanna Kulig star in Cold War.
Tomasz Kot and Joanna Kulig star in Cold War.

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