The Southland Times

Two bars down, no problems

- Logan Savory

The Invercargi­ll Licensing Trust are two bars down but general manager Chris Ramsay is confident the community funder was not in for a financial hit.

ILT establishm­ents The Kiln and Barluca both closed late last year as demolition starts for the ILT’s new 4.5-star hotel on the corner of Don and Dee streets.

Ramsay said it had been a ‘‘well planned and executed process’’ when asked if the ILT revenue streams would be hindered with two less bars on its books.

‘‘Our cash flow forecasts have been produced based on Kiln and Barluca closure,’’ he said.

Invercargi­ll’s biggest annual event, the Burt Munro Challenge, was also in the city at a time when those two bars have been closed. However, again Ramsay was not concerned.

‘‘The Kiln and Barluca didn’t actually get a great lift out of Burt Munro, with the majority of visitors sticking to the food and beverage options on the main arterial routes, Dee and Tay streets,’’ he said.

ILT plan to introduce a container bar at Wachner Place, in Invercargi­ll, while the hotel build takes place.

Ramsay would love for the container bar to be up and operating ‘‘as soon as we can’’.

The ILT’s architect for the project was working on having first concept drawings of the bar available soon.

The proposal to introduce a container bar at Wachner Place has been met with some opposition.

At the Invercargi­ll City Council’s most recent meeting, two public submitters voiced their opposition to a bar being built at a council space.

Ramsay said his focus was to get the correct informatio­n out to the public about the container bar. ‘‘There is a bit of misinforma­tion floating around about the project,’’ he said.

Ramsay said it was not going to be a late night venue and the ILT wanted to make it as family friendly as possible. It would include integratin­g the giant chess set suggested by ILT@Enrich pupils recently.

‘‘It would be an inclusive space where day visitors can bring their lunch, therefore not changing what Wachner Place is about, but activating it better.

‘‘There will be a shared food service, guests will be able to order from Subway, Hells, Tuatara Cafe´ or the Ale House. Any live entertainm­ent will be acoustic only.

‘‘The idea is to create a space that parents will feel comfortabl­e bringing their children to.’’

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