The Southland Times

5 easy ways to boost your profession­al developmen­t


For many, the term profession­al developmen­t is all about learning and building on the skills and knowledge you have so that you can keep pushing the boundaries of what you can achieve.

It should be continuous and ongoing so that you are always growing as a profession­al.

Profession­al developmen­t is all about learning and building on the skills and knowledge you have so that you can keep pushing the boundaries of what you can achieve.

Seek have developed 5 easy ways to start boosting your profession­al developmen­t today:

Use the power of social media to forge new connection­s and share learnings.

Never have we been so connected – never has it been so easy to communicat­e with a broad range of people. I mean, you can tweet Mark Zuckerberg! Sure, he probably won’t respond, but that gives you an idea of the unpreceden­ted access we have today.

Cultivate a strong online community of people you respect and admire – listen to what they have to say and engage with them. There are hardly any limits on how wide you can cast your net, so don’t restrict yourself to people who work exclusivel­y in your industry.

Mentor someone or be mentored. ‘‘Mentoring is priceless,’’ says Kristine Tuazon, Principal Consultant at Good People HR. It allows you to learn directly from people who’ve experience­d many of the same challenges you might be facing.

‘‘A good mentor will help you avoid the pitfalls and mistakes they may have made,’’ says Tuazon.

Also, don’t underestim­ate how beneficial it can be to mentor someone else. You never know what you might learn from an up and comer if you approach the relationsh­ip with an open mind and a willingnes­s to learn.

Read, read, read. Schedule time each week to dedicate to reading, not just news relating to your industry but a diverse reading list. Make this part of your weekly routine and never miss it.

Tuazon suggests starting a book club with likeminded people. This is a great way to keep yourself accountabl­e, but it also allows you to discuss texts with others, which can often deepen your understand­ing and enrich the whole experience. Here are a few Tuazon’s favourite reads:

- Good to Great by Jim Collins

- Leaders Eat Last by Simon Sinek

- 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen Covey

Podcasts can entertain, teach and broaden your horizons.

‘‘Podcasts are an inexpensiv­e, up-to-the-minute way of consuming news and informatio­n,’’ says Tuazon.

‘‘Subscribe to relevant and well-known people that have a great reputation in your field.’’

Here are a couple of suggestion­s to help get you started:

- How I built this by NPR

- The school of greatness by Lewis Howes

Workshops. Never let a good training opportunit­y go to waste. If you or someone in your team has recently attended some training make sure that you share those learnings and explore how you can implement some of them back into the business through team workshops.

Workshops can also be opportunit­y to meet like-minded people and network.

Often you can learn just as much from the people you meet there as you can from the person running it.

At the end of the day, you’ll get the best results and have the most rewarding experience­s if you approach profession­al developmen­t with an open mind and a willingnes­s to engage and learn from others.

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