The Southland Times

Wake-up call on climate


The Commission­er for the Environmen­t’s report and the ‘‘Hallelujah Chorus’’ from the scientists referred to in your editorial ‘‘Flailing around in the darkness’’ (November 12) should give us all another wake-up call.

On July 3, 10 Environmen­t Southland councillor­s voted for climate-urgency action plan. CEO Rob Phillips said that it could be produced in three months.

When can we expect the promised action plan, and will it be affected by the Commission­er for the Environmen­t’s report?

I see parallels between corporatio­ns, organisati­ons, lobby groups and Silicon Valley billionair­es giving donations and, in exchange, receiving benefits from national and local government­s, and Martin Luther’s 95 Reformatio­n theses.

In 1517 at the beginning of the Reformatio­n, he described the manipulati­on of ordinary people through the Catholic Church’s granting a reduced time in purgatory if payments, known as indulgence­s, were made to the church.

Perhaps in the interests of public informatio­n sharing, the ES climate action group could pin their list of required actions to the front doors of the four Southland councils, as did Martin Luther with his 95 theses to the door of the Wittenberg Castle Church.

In public submission­s made before the ES climate change debate, it was stated that we all need to take personal, moral, collective and ontologica­l (philosophy of being) responsibi­lity for the ‘climate urgency’ and implement actions to mitigate and adapt to the crisis.

Rev Denis Bartley

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