The Southland Times

Farmers – take control and look after yourself

Small, regular investment­s in the wellbeing bank account make us much more likely to cope well with pressure.


Farmers are epic problem-solvers. But some things – like the weather – are impossible to control.

And we can put a lot of effort into influencin­g legislatio­n or managing the market, but ultimately it’s not in our hands.

However, what you do to look after yourself is in your control.

You need to be well to best manage your farming business. Just like you look after your stock, land and equipment so they perform the best they can, there are things you can do to look after yourself, too.

Farmstrong recommends the Wellbeing Bank Account approach.

Hugh Norriss, of Farmstrong, says: ‘‘Think of your wellbeing like making small investment­s in your account. These will add up over time so that when you’re under the pump, you can draw on them to help you get through. It’s simple, and it works.’’

The best time to invest is when times are good, as you will have more energy to develop these small investment­s into regular habits.

But try to keep investing in these habits during tough times, too. It could be as simple as going for a walk, picking up the phone and yakking to a neighbour, coaching or watching kids’ sport, or organising a BYO to watch rugby. Simple habits like this will really add up to boost your mood.

We all know healthy crops need small, regular amounts of water to thrive.

We don’t wait until they’ve almost dried up, douse them and expect them to bounce back.

The same goes for you. Small, regular investment­s in your wellbeing account will make you much more likely to cope well with pressure.

We all know healthy crops need small, regular amounts of water to thrive . . . The same goes for you.

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