The Southland Times

Come on strong for mental health

Don’t just head out for a jog or a cycle – spend some time in the gym and reap the benefits for your mind and body. Sarah Berry reports.



An Australian study has found adding just one strength training session to your weekly fitness regime can lead to significan­t mental health improvemen­ts.

The research, the largest study to examine the mental health effects of aerobic and strength training, is the first to show that combining the two is more beneficial than doing either alone.

New Zealand’s activity guidelines recommend at least 150 minutes of moderatein­tensity exercise or 75 minutes of vigorous activity each week, as well as two strength sessions for physical health. There is little existing research about the mental health impact of these recommenda­tions.

Dr Jason Bennie, a senior research fellow at the University of Southern Queensland, analysed the data of 1.48 million American adults, 18 per cent of whom had diagnosed depression, between 2011 and 2017.

Participan­ts were divided into groups based on the amount of strength versus aerobic training they did, which ranged from no physical activity to double the recommenda­tions. Bennie and his team then looked at the associatio­n with depression.

The results, published in Depression and Anxiety, showed those who did twice the recommende­d amount of physical activity were half as likely to have depression compared to those who were inactive.

‘‘Our study advocates that combining strength training with aerobic activities like jogging or cycling is likely to be the best thing for your mental health,’’ Bennie said.

But doing even a little of both made a big difference.

‘‘If you added in one session of strength training a week, there was a decline in the prevalence of depression,’’ he added.

‘‘It didn’t really matter whether you did one versus three sessions – small to moderate increases are likely to be beneficial for improved mental health.’’

This is significan­t given the ‘‘vast majority of the population is doing no strength training’’, Bennie said, noting this didn’t just mean lifting weights, but also included lunges, push-ups, sit-ups and squats.

‘‘Both behaviours are good and if you combine them, it’s even better,’’ Bennie said. ‘‘This is the first study showing that.’’

Dr Yorgi Mavros, a senior lecturer in exercise physiology at the University of Sydney, said the research into why exactly exercise was associated with improved mental health was ‘‘all very new and raw’’.

However, different forms of exercise provide different forms of stimulus, which may explain why combining different types may be more effective than just doing more of one type.

‘‘It’s possible that by maximising the stimulus, you maximise the benefits,’’ Mavros said.

Although the research is limited, there are ‘‘lots of different theories’’ as to why this associatio­n could occur.

‘‘Some of them are consistent across both types of exercise, so a reduction in stress, cortisol for example, stimulatin­g things like dopamine and serotonin, so there’s some belief that exercise may target the same pathways as antidepres­sants,’’ he explained, adding that research has found exercise to be similar in effectiven­ess to antidepres­sants.

Mavros added that reduction in inflammati­on and stimulus of growth factors, known to improve cognition and which may also play a role in mood regulation, are also possible explanatio­ns for the associatio­n.

While Mavros points out the study was cross-sectional and there is a risk the results were in part due to reverse causality (for example, that those without depression were more likely to exercise), Bennie and his team did control for this, adjusting for age, self-rated health, socioecono­mic and chronic disease-related factors.

Mavros, whose research focus is chronic disease, said: ‘‘One of the key things was that regardless of how much aerobic training you were doing, there was always a benefit to adding resistance training.

‘‘It’s usually the most overlooked type of exercise and in some ways, it’s a more accessible form of exercise.’’

– Sydney Morning Herald

‘‘If you added in one session of strength training a week, there was a decline in the prevalence of depression.’’ Jason Bennie

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Those who did twice the recommende­d amount of physical activity were half as likely to have depression.
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