The Southland Times




7. Validated (13)

8. Travel document (8)

9. Slay (4)

10. Tawdry or tasteless (6)

12. One who likes being naked (6)

14. Be indebted to (3)

15. Organised way of working (6)

17. Crises (6)

19. Duo (4)

21. Become establishe­d (4,4)

23. Looked without buying (6-7)


1. Impudence (8)

2. Pursues (6)

3. Loosen (4)

4. Paid attention (8)

5. Supported (6)

6. Genuine (4)

11. Where one grew up (8)

13. Followed (8)

16. Verbal attack (6)

18. Sudden (6)

20. Surrounded by (4)

22. Black cosmetic (4)

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