The Southland Times

Training journey to take part in Surf to City

- Mackenzie Leask Mackenzie Leask is an ambassador for this year’s Wensley’s Cycles Surf to City on March 10.

As a busy mum, sometimes exercise gets pushed to the bottom of the priority list.

Before kids, I was doing crossfit, played netball and could run 5 kilometres easily.

But becoming a parent changes your priorities, life gets busy. At the beginning of the year, I set the goal that I just wanted to move my body more. I have kids, work, friends and family so I am keeping it realistic about what I can actually do. But it is good to have goals, right?

So I started to run. The first run (if we can call it that) was hard. I ran for 1 minute, then walked for 1 minute until I reached the 1km, and goodness, there was some heavy breathing happening. But I did it.

I posted this achievemen­t and goal over on social media, and, not long after, the team at Surf to City asked me if I wanted to be an ambassador for this year’s Surf to City. I said yes. Having something to work towards was going to make committing to this new habit a bit easier.

Because I was barely able to run continuall­y for 1km I battled with what length I wanted to commit to. There are 3km, 6km and 12km options.

I felt that by the time the event came around I could do the 3km, but I decided to push myself slightly and sign myself up for the 6km. Which is slightly terrifying, in the best kind of way.

Training so far has been getting into the groove of running, and turning it into a habit. A few weeks after I committed to this, we were off on a holiday to Central Otago.

Building habits normally is pretty hard, but throw in a change in routine and it is pretty easy to drop them, but I managed to get out for a run most days. Not every day, but most days. I guess it is about what you do most of the time that counts.

I am documentin­g my training journey during the lead up to the Wensley’s Cycles Surf to City and would love your support and to see what you are getting up to to prepare for the event.

Join me at @mackenzes_life on Instagram or give the @surftocity a follow on Instagram or Facebook. I will back here next week letting you know how the training has been going.

You can register for Surf to City at:

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