The Southland Times

All gold trails lead to Waikaia

- Rachael Kelly

The marquees are up, the beer is brewed, and the Topp Twins are on their way.

All trails are leading to Waikaia this week as it prepares to host the 31st Goldfields Cavalcade tomorrow.

And while the event is traditiona­lly for those with four hooves, this year some entrants have spent the week running and mountainbi­king into the Northern Southland town.

This year there were two wagon and horse riding trails, five horse riding trails, one tramping trail, one walking trail, a running trail and a mountainbi­king trail, committee member Dave McGregor said.

“There are about 500 horse riders across the trails, so it will be a pretty impressive sight for the Grand Parade on Saturday,’’ he said.

“There have been no problems during the week. It’s been a bit cold out on top of the mountains, but you have to expect that, and everyone would have been well prepared.’’

A group of trail runners had left Ohai on Monday morning and would cover 30 top 40km a day across the Eyre Mountains, and the mountainbi­kers had been up in the Old Man Range for the week, where they’d had some big climbs, he said.

“One guy had to come into Gore to get his bike fixed, and he said they’d had an absolute ball so far, riding through mud and cowpats.”

The heavy wagon trail had spent the first part of the week riding on Argyle and Glenaray stations before returning to Waikaia to ride in the forestry block and on Glencairn Station, trail head wrangler Sarah Cooper said.

“It’s been great. There’s been some nice riding, the weather has been kind, and there’s been some fantastic scenery.”

The Grand Parade will be held tomorrow at lunchtime, with a market day to follow. The Topp Twins will entertain during the day and again at the hoedown at night, which has sold out its 900 tickets.

The organising committee has organised a special beer to celebrate the day with Queenstown’s Altitude Brewing.

“We’ve kept it really local. The hops are grown at Garston, and the can was designed by Sam at Jolly Elephant design at Waikaia – she’s done a good job,’’ McGregor said.

 ?? RACHAEL KELLY/STUFF JORJAH HAMILTON ?? The heavy wagon and riders enter Waikaia on Tuesday on the Winding Trails to Waikaia Cavalcade. They continued to ride around the area during the week, and will take part in the Grand Parade tomorrow.
The Goldfields Cavalcade Blackhawk Slice of Heaven trail team leaving Lake Mavora for Waikaia on Monday.
RACHAEL KELLY/STUFF JORJAH HAMILTON The heavy wagon and riders enter Waikaia on Tuesday on the Winding Trails to Waikaia Cavalcade. They continued to ride around the area during the week, and will take part in the Grand Parade tomorrow. The Goldfields Cavalcade Blackhawk Slice of Heaven trail team leaving Lake Mavora for Waikaia on Monday.

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