The Southland Times

Crop of the week: Celery


Celery is a wonderful flavourenh­ancer in soups and stews. A great cut-and-come-again crop, it can be harvested a few stalks at a time as you need them. Homegrown celery often has slimmer stems than a commercial­ly grown crop but don’t worry, just add more skinny stems than the recipe calls for and throw in some leaves too!

Sow and grow

Sow seeds: January to May in warm areas; October to January in cooler areas

Transplant seedlings: March to July in warm areas; January to April in cooler areas

Position: Full sun, six or more hours a day

Harvest: 14–20 weeks from seed

Start celery in cooler weather

Celery can be grown all year round but does best during the cooler months of spring and autumn. Seed should be sown from mid-spring until mid-summer in cool parts of the country and midsummer until early autumn in warm areas.

It can take up to a month to germinate, plus an average-sized family needs only three or four plants, so it may be easier to plant a punnet of seedlings. Celery can be frost-tender, so seedlings should be planted out by mid-autumn in cooler parts of the country, but you can get away with planting until midwinter in frost-free areas.

Step by step

■ Celery seed is tiny so is best sown in

trays, then transplant­ed out later.

■ It needs light to germinate so just lightly press the seed into moist seed-raising mix. Seedlings are slow to emerge but should appear in two or three weeks.

■ Space 30cm apart, allowing 60cm

between rows.

Growing tips

Celery is a hungry plant. Prepare soil well by digging in compost, sheep pellets and blood and bone. It grows best in a mild or cool climate and can become stringy and bolt to seed in hot weather if it’s not watered every couple of days. Adding a layer of mulch around plants will help conserve moisture.

Because it’s notoriousl­y slowgrowin­g, celery needs far more fertiliser than green crops such as lettuce. If you want thick stalks, side dress with blood and bone twice during its growing season. To harvest, slide your thumb down the inside of the fattest outer stalks and gently twist to pull them off the plant. Don’t cut the stalks off as the cut stumps left behind will rot.

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