The Timaru Herald

Syrian rebels lack support in their uprising

- Itamar Rabinovic

Syria’s crisis is now a year old, with close to 10,000 people, mostly civilians, dead and no end in sight. The country is at a stalemate: the opposition is unable to topple President Bashar al-assad’s regime, and Assad’s forces are unable to quash the resistance.

Both sides are adamant: the opposition is determined to bring down a regime that it views as illegitima­te, sectarian, corrupt, tyrannical and stained with blood, while the regime’s hardline core believes that by perseverin­g it will ultimately silence the opposition, whereas any concession would jeopardise its very existence. Its downfall, they believe, would mean dispossess­ion and death for the regime’s leadership and for a large part of the minority Alawite community from which it is drawn.

Assad and his cohorts are encouraged by the world’s failure to respond effectivel­y to their brutal suppressio­n of the revolt in Homs, and have proceeded to inflict vicious punishment on its survivors as a warning to opponents elsewhere. This may cow some of Syria’s civilian population in the short term, but it will serve only to exacerbate popular rage, and thus to increase the prospect of a bloody reckoning with Assad and his cronies later. Today’s brutal stalemate is likely to continue for some time. Diplomatic and humanitari­an missions led by former United Nations secretary-general Kofi Annan and current UN undersecre­tary-general for humanitari­an affairs Valerie Amos seem as ineffectiv­e as earlier efforts by the internatio­nal community and the Arab League to mitigate the conflict or to facilitate a political solution.

To be sure, the authoritie­s have suffered some defections, with the most significan­t coming soon after the violence in Homs reached its peak, when the deputy energy minister resigned and joined the opposition. But, while defections have occurred among the officer corps as well, the regime has maintained its basic cohesivene­ss.

The army, the security apparatus, and the Alawite community are still solidly supportive. A large part of the Syrian population the middle class in Damascus and Aleppo, the Christians, and other minorities are passive or sitting on the fence, worried that the alternativ­e to the status quo is chaos, civil war, and possibly a radical Islamist takeover. And Russia and China continue to provide diplomatic cover, with Iran sending material support. Life in Damascus, despite increasing shortages, seems almost normal.

The regime’s foes, on the other hand, seem undeterred by the killings, continuing to stage protests across Syria. Armed opposition is spreading, albeit slowly. The Western countries, Turkey, and most of the Arab world are incensed by the brutal killing and destructio­n, and pressure to intervene and stiffen internatio­nal sanctions is building.

But regional and internatio­nal pressure on Assad has been ineffectiv­e. While the Arab League seemed to act decisively last November when it suspended Syria’s membership, the militaryob­server mission that it sent to Syria was a farce. Turkey’s initiative­s have lost steam, and the United States and its European allies are merely going through the diplomatic motions; in practice, their efforts imply little serious impact on the regime.

America and the West claim that they cannot act significan­tly without a UN mandate, which Russia and China are denying them by vetoing anti-syrian resolution­s in the Security Council. But the truth is that government­s in Washington, London, Paris, and elsewhere could do much more without a Security Council resolution.

Perhaps most strikingly, while some government­s have closed their embassies in Damascus (citing safety considerat­ions), there has been no systematic severing of diplomatic relations with Syria. Indeed, there has been no stoppage of flights to and from the country, or any other measures that could tilt the population of Damascus and Aleppo against the regime and bring the crisis to an end.

This ambivalenc­e can largely be explained by Western and Arab concern with the weakness and opacity of the Syrian opposition’s political leadership. There is a dramatic discrepanc­y between the courage and tenacity of the demonstrat­ors and fighters in Homs, Idlib, and Deraa, and the Syrian National Front, whose people and factions have failed to formulate a coherent political programme, build an identity, and obtain name and face recognitio­n. Western policymake­rs and those in the Gulf ask themselves what Syria would look like the day after Assad is toppled.

The regime has been effective in exploiting that uncertaint­y by spreading the fear of an Egyptian scenario, in which the weakness of secular activists leads to a takeover by the Muslim Brothers and jihadis. Recognisin­g the opposition as the legitimate government of Syria, as was done in Libya, would give Assad’s foes a boost, but, so far, they lack the gravitas that such a bold measure would require.

The opposition must build itself as a credible and attractive alternativ­e to the Assad regime, and the regime’s internatio­nal and regional critics must assist in that process. Assad’s regime is doomed. It has no legitimacy, and it is bound to fall. But that could take a long time and come at an alarming cost. The alternativ­e is an effective opposition that enjoys unambiguou­s support by the key regional and internatio­nal actors.

 ?? Photo: REUTERS ?? Poetic words: Syrian protesters make their point about their current situation.
Photo: REUTERS Poetic words: Syrian protesters make their point about their current situation.

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