The Timaru Herald

Fieldays among the ‘best ever’


A buoyant farming sector and big attendance numbers saw some exhibitors label this year’s National Agricultur­al Fieldays the best ever – but not everyone managed a slice of the good times.

Another frosty but fine morning drew 30,292 visitors to the Mystery Creek site on Saturday, pushing attendance for the four-day event to 128,271.

Overall attendance was up 9 per cent on last year, with organisers saying the event’s positive spinoff could be felt for months to come.

Andrew Giltrap, managing director of farm machinery dealer Giltrap Agrizone, said this year’s Fieldays was ‘‘among the best ever’’ but the hard work had just begun.

Over the next month he would be following up inquiries and sale leads. ‘‘A lot of farmers have got their debt under control and are now looking at getting more efficiency in their business and that involves tractors and other machinery,’’ he said.

Skellerup marketing executive Deborah Allan said her team was toasting a successful Fieldays, with sales peaking on Friday.

Although some farmers were hesi- tant about buying big ticket items, Ms Allan said sales of gumboots and other footwear were buoyant.

Andy MacDonald, owner of Black Dog Furniture, said sales were comparable to last year but he had fielded more inquiries and ‘‘commercial leads’’ than at previous events.

Jon Calder, chief executive of the Mystery Creek Events Centre, said exhibitors had reported ‘‘extremely good sales’’ – with one retailer selling more than 50 vehicles in four days, up from 11 vehicles last year.

‘‘The feedback has been a lot of exhibitors achieved their goals and sales targets and that’s great because that’s what we are here for.’’

But one kitset building supplier, who did not want to be named, said sales were down on previous events.

‘‘We’ve got a few things to follow but in terms of sales this is probably our worst Fieldays ever. It’s just quiet among building companies.’’

Sandy Turner, Hamilton Central Business Associatio­n general manager, said members reported slower trading compared with previous Fieldays and more work was needed on how to leverage off the event.

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