The Timaru Herald

Opinion ill-informed


The race to the election has begun, with Labour kicking off its campaign in fantastic style on Sunday. During his speech, leader David Cunliffe announced a new policy ensuring free GPs visits for, among others, over 65s and pregnant women.

So it was rather disappoint­ing to see the article in the Timaru Herald on Wednesday where Dr Paul Hansen of Otago University makes outlandish claims, and even more disappoint­ing that the Herald has chosen to publish such an ill-informed opinion.

The professor claims the policy will come at the ‘‘cost of other health initiative­s, tax reduction or retaining state-owned assets’’. Labour has already pledged an extra $1 billion dollars a year to meet the costs of inflation and population growth, to ensure that announced policy spending is guaranteed to be absolute new spending, not at the cost of other initiative­s.

By tax reduction, it can only be assumed the professor means a reduction in available tax revenue for public spending, which is incorrect as introducin­g a capital gains tax and raising the top tax rate allows for extra spending while making our tax system fairer.

His final claim is most disappoint­ing, as Labour has categorica­lly ruled out asset sales and is even considerin­g buying back those sold by the current Government.

It is ironic that this article was printed the same day that investigat­ive journalist Nicky

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