The Timaru Herald

Trump tells Russia: find private emails


Republican nominee Donald Trump has pleaded directly with the Russian government to meddle in the United States presidenti­al election by finding and releasing tens of thousands of private emails from his Democratic opponent, Hillary Clinton – an extraordin­ary and perhaps unpreceden­ted manoeuvre in American politics.

‘‘Russia, if you’re listening, I hope you’re able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing,’’ Trump said during a news conference at one of his South Florida resorts yesterday. He added later: ‘‘They probably have them. I’d like to have them released.’’

Asked whether Russian espionage into the former secretary of state’s correspond­ence would concern him, Trump said: ‘‘No, it gives me no pause. If they have them, they have them.’’

The emails cited by Trump are from Clinton’s time at the State Department, where her use of a private server prompted a federal investigat­ion. The FBI concluded that no prosecutio­n was necessary.

Those are different than emails from the Democratic National Committee that were leaked ahead of the party’s convention in Philadelph­ia, possibly with the involvemen­t of Russia. The FBI is investigat­ing whether Russians were responsibl­e for leaking the politicall­y-damaging messages last weekend, forcing the resignatio­n of DNC chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz.

Clinton campaign manager Robby Mook responded to Trump’s comments with disbelief, saying the apparent hacking was ‘‘a national security issue’’.

‘‘It appears the Russians did steal these emails from the DNC,’’ Mook said. ‘‘It appears as if they were active in releasing them for the purpose of hurting the campaign.’’

Democrats have laboured all week to put Trump on the defensive over his business and personal ties to Russia, as well as his professed admiration for its president, Vladimir Putin.

Trump seemingly played into Democratic hands yesterday by praising Putin’s leadership qualities and vowing that US relations with Russia would improve if he was elected in November.

‘‘I don’t think Putin has any respect whatsoever for Clinton,’’ Trump said. ‘‘He has a total lack of respect for President Obama. I think he’s going to respect your president if I’m elected. And I hope he likes me.’’ In a series of tweets, Trump spokesman Jason Miller said the candidate was merely encouragin­g other countries to turn over any informatio­n relating to Clinton’s emails to US authoritie­s.

‘‘To be clear, Mr Trump did not call on, or invite, Russia or anyone else to hack Hillary Clinton’s emails today,’’ Miller wrote.

Trump’s provocatio­n alarmed many Republican leaders and foreign policy experts. Many were also alarmed by Trump’s remark that he would be ‘‘looking at’’ whether Crimea, which Russia seized from Ukraine in 2014, should be recognised as Russian territory.

Trump’s vice-presidenti­al running mate, Indiana Governor Mike Pence, said that the FBI must ‘‘get to the bottom of who is behind the hacking’’.

A spokesman for Republican House Speaker Paul Ryan said: ‘‘Russia is a global menace led by a devious thug. Putin should stay out of this election.’’

Veteran GOP strategist Mike Murphy said many longtime Republican­s were appalled by Trump’s gambit.

‘‘This is what happens when you nominate an egomaniaca­l bozo as your candidate for president of the United States.’’

 ??  ?? Donald Trump
Donald Trump

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