The Timaru Herald

Boozy lads joined by ‘ladettes’


Alcopop-guzzling young women are the ugly new face of New Zealand’s drinking problem, a first-ofits-kind study shows.

Massey University researcher­s Martin Wall and Sally Cresswell interviewe­d 2000 people for their study, which identified distinct behaviour ‘‘clusters’’ that drinkers fell into.

Women under 24 who purchased RTDs from off-licences were found to drink, on average, nearly 24 litres per year.

That was more than twice the amount consumed by the next cluster of female problem drinkers, and more than the heaviest male drinker cluster too.

Wall and Cresswell’s study also found that problem drinking among younger women wasn’t a problem a generation ago when they checked earlier research studies going back to the mid1980s.

‘‘We didn’t find too many studies that had done anything similar, and they didn’t usually focus on characteri­stics,’’ Wall said.

‘‘The methodolog­y of grouping is quite common, but the thing we did – by using drink-of-choice and the place where they drank, offpremise or on-premise – that, as far as I know, hasn’t been done before.’’

Alcohol Healthwatc­h executive director Dr Nicki Jackson said the research ‘‘reinforces the role of offlicence­s in alcohol-related harm’’ in New Zealand.

‘‘Drinkers are increasing­ly choosing to purchase their alcohol from these outlets, resulting in them now selling around 75 per cent of all alcohol in New Zealand.’’

The young women in the survey were consuming in excess of four times the amounts recommende­d in New Zealand’s low-risk drinking guidelines, Jackson said.

That placed them and others at ‘‘extreme risk of alcohol-related harm’’.

Auckland addiction treatment clinician and recovering alcoholic Simone Barclay said the rise in female problem drinking was partly a sign of a changing society.

‘‘One flipside of women’s changing roles is ‘girls can do anything’, girls are less lady-like – and so they should be.

‘‘[Heavy drinking] is one way it is manifestin­g, they’re drinking just like the lads,’’ she said.

‘‘Our society has got a very high tolerance for drunken ‘high jinks’. We need to lower that threshold,’’ Barclay said.

Wall said law changes which allowed supermarke­ts to sell alcohol could have been partly to blame for the increase in problem drinking among women.

In 1990 New Zealand supermarke­ts were allowed to sell wine, then in 1999, beer.

Beforehand, when people visited off-licences, ‘‘everybody [knew] the only reason you’re going in there is to buy alcohol’’, Wall said.

‘‘With supermarke­ts, it’s just part of the weekly shop. We do speculate that that change may have been a factor for increasing drinking among women.’’

Jackson also noted that research showed massive increases in hazardous drinking among middle-aged men and women.

‘‘It is perhaps not surprising this is the same population group that began their drinking journey when the availabili­ty of beer and wine increased rapidly following their sale in supermarke­ts.’’

In the late 1980s Barclay used to drink at an Auckland inner city pub which closed at ‘‘bloody 10 ‘o’clock or even 9 ‘o’clock’’ and on Sundays, pub drinkers had to sign forms stating ‘‘you’d eaten food’’, she remembers.

‘‘Of course it made [getting alcohol easier], without a doubt.

’’People want reduced alcoholrel­ated harm but they’re not prepared to make the legislativ­e changes necessary to create that outcome.

‘‘You can’t have those inputs and expect a different output.’’

Wall and Cresswell published their ‘‘Drinker Types, Harm, and Policy-Related Variables: Result from the 2011 internatio­nal Alcohol Control Study in New Zealand’’in the journal Alcoholism: Clinical And Experiment­al Research.

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