The Timaru Herald

McEnroe: Djokovic treated unfairly


Former world number one Novak Djokovic is being treated ‘‘like s...’’ by Australian Open officials, according to tennis legend John McEnroe.

Djokovic has won the Australian Open more than any male player in the sport’s history, but has lucked out in the latest scheduling controvers­y.

Questions have surrounded arch rival Roger Federer’s ‘‘leverage’’ in the schedule. The Swiss maestro has played his first three matches in the Rod Laver Arena during the night - avoiding the sweltering day-time temperatur­es.

Djokovic, by comparison, has played only once at night and once on the main stage, leading to accusation­s that the tournament is scheduling unfairly. McEnroe says the No 14 seed deserves better from the tournament he’s won six times.

According to the Daily Express, McEnroe thinks the Serbian may even thrive under such adversity.

‘‘Roger, not Novak, is the golden goose of tennis and he gets to play on the biggest stage in front of the biggest audience whenever he wants.

‘‘Plain and simple. Is it fair? I don’t know and I don’t care. Life isn’t fair.

‘‘I actually think the organisati­on is doing him a favour by treating him like s.... The guy feeds on adversity.

‘‘I actually think this reversed ‘preferenti­al treatment’ might actually help him.’’

McEnroe said the questions over poor treatment had been beaten up and it is all part of the game.

‘‘I don’t know what it is about this year’s Australian Open but it seems every day comes with a new controvers­y.

‘‘Fact: Roger Federer asked to play at night. Fact: Roger has played all three of his matches in the cooler night slot on the Rod Laver Arena.

‘‘Fact: Novak Djokovic did not request a specific time slot for his matches. Fact: Novak Djokovic played his first two matches during the day, one of them in the blistering summer sun.’’

Djokovic steps onto Rod Laver Arena on Monday night for just the second time this tournament. It will also be just his second night match.

Djokovic said he was ‘‘almost dead’’ after surviving his match against Gael Monfils where the mercury on court was reportedly recorded at 69C

Aussie tennis great Pat Cash has commented Federer has been given an unfair advantage.

‘‘It has caused a bit of controvers­y actually. It’s one of those tricky things,’’ Cash said.

 ?? GETTY IMAGES ?? Novak Djokovic has played the majority of the Australian Open to date in the day-time sweltering heat.
GETTY IMAGES Novak Djokovic has played the majority of the Australian Open to date in the day-time sweltering heat.

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