The Timaru Herald

The right resolution­s will keep you fit

- Rasha Ali

’m going to start working out and eating healthy once the New Year starts.’’ If that goal has been on your New Year’s resolution list for a number of years and you’re still finding a way to stick to your health-oriented plans, we’re not judging you. We’ve all been there.

This time around, things will be different because you’re going to have a plan and you’re going to be armed with tips on how to stick to your resolution­s for the rest of the year.

Personal trainer Breanna Wiley cautions that if you’re new to fitness, starting a new routine will be difficult regardless of whether you start today or any random Tuesday.

Write your goals down

Tuekeha Huntley, who’s been a personal trainer for two years, recommends writing down your goals and then writing down specific plans for your goals – basically, make plans for your plans. ‘‘What can you do to hit those goals? Be specific,’’ Huntley said. ‘‘Break it down into realistic goals. Not just I want to lose five kilograms in three months, but write down baby steps.’’

Don’t neglect your diet

Charity Faye, a chef and wellness expert, recommends that you remind yourself that you are a valuable human being and to treat yourself that way by eating foods that will make your body feel good – like fruits and vegetables.

‘‘Our diet is critical to our ability to have good moods, to think clearly and to rid ourselves of illnesses and diseases and other factors that prevent us from having the willpower to go work out and take care of ourselves,’’ Faye said.

Listen to your body. Some days you may need to eat carbs and another week you may not need to eat meat.

Don’t buy into the trendy diet or workout fads

‘‘If you say I’m going to do the keto diet for 30 days because it’s a trend you’re going to fall off,’’ said Faye. ‘‘Don’t set a goal for the next 30 days – say today this is what my body needs therefore this is what I’m going to give my body.’’

Huntley agrees that one of the most important parts about achieving your goals is being consistent and staying on your own path and buying into this fads will distract you from your own personal journey.

Consistenc­y will help you achieve your goals for the long term not fad diets.

It’s not going to happen over night

Starting a new fitness routine and committing to eating healthy will take time to adjust to. ‘‘A lot of people start a journey focusing on the big picture saying I want to lose 25 to 30 kilograms instead of focusing on the day to day work to reach that,’’ said Wiley.

Find someone to hold you accountabl­e

Huntley believes that accountabi­lity is a major factor in sticking to your new plans. She advises getting someone who will check up on you and ask if you’ve been to the gym today or ask what you had to eat.

Personal trainer Osamoje Imoohi agrees that you need people in your circle who want to see you succeed. He recommends surroundin­g yourself with people who share the same values and goals as you.

Plan, plan and plan some more

Make your new goals a priority in your life. Faye said that people should plan their meals the same way they plan on going to work or hanging out with friends. ‘‘We will stick to our health commitment­s if we plan it in our day to do so,’’ said Faye.


Getting your mind right will set you up for success. ‘‘One of the best ways people can stay dedicated to a new year fitness routine is to incorporat­e meditation into their practice, especially the Shamatha technique,’’ said Shaina Lynn, a fitness instructor who incorporat­es yoga and meditation into her classes. ‘‘Meditation improves memory, decreases stress-related illness, improves sleep and boosts immunity. When you feel better you are more likely to pursue your goals.’’ – USA Today

 ??  ?? Keep a food journal to track your calories.
Keep a food journal to track your calories.

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