The Timaru Herald

Learning from mistakes


Hi folks,

I’ve been thinking about the mistakes the world has made during my lifetime. You could say life is full of mistakes as well as many wonderful things which happen along the way.

Alas, the older I get the more mistakes I make. I am trying to learn from my oops so they don’t happen again, but instead of repeating my errors I come up with countless new varieties.

Many successful people have made many mistakes along the way. In fact, often it is the mistakes which have lead them to ultimate success.

Unfortunat­ely my mistakes aren’t learning mistakes. People are quick to reassure me it is all part of the ageing process but that does not give me any comfort so I am trying to rectify the problem by putting safeguards in place.

The cooktop is a big one with me so I try and check before I go out or go to bed that all the elements are tuned off.

Then the water taps. Recently I left the tap on in the bathroom so the water overflowed before I noticed. No damage but what a mess to clean up. I now keep the plug in a draw so if I leave the water running at least it runs away and does not overflow.

Again, last week I left that same tap on and it did run down the drain so my plug theory worked but when I discovered it later that day I had emptied the cylinder of hot water. Do you know it took 24 hours for the water to reheat. The overflow was my secret mistake but unfortunat­ely I couldn’t cover up the latest tap running error as Himself wanted to know why we had no hot water.

I was going to tell you about the world’s mistakes, not mine, but I have run out of space. Next week, it’s the world.

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