The Timaru Herald

Vapers suffer ‘gas attack’ injuries


Vaping damages the lungs in the same way as a poison gas attack, tests have revealed.

Experts in the US have warned of a looming ‘‘public health crisis’’ after examinatio­n of tissue samples found vapers had suffered ‘‘direct’’ injuries from noxious chemicals.

For the first time, scientists reviewed lung biopsies from a group of patients who had fallen ill after smoking e-cigarettes, two of whom had died.

The team at the Mayo Clinic in Phoenix, Arizona, had been expecting to find lung damage as a result of fatty deposits from the vaping liquids.

Instead, they found more serious ‘‘acute’’ injuries of the type commonly seen in victims of gas attacks.

The study, published in the New England Journal of Medicine, was published as concern about the safety of e-cigarettes grows, and comes a week after Britain’s first death linked to vaping came to light.

Last month, Donald Trump announced plans to ban flavoured e-cigarettes in the US because of fears over their appeal to young people.

Of the 17 patients from whom samples were taken in the study, only eight had smoked. All had foamy accumulati­ons indicating acute fibrinous pneumoniti­s, a type of scarring.

Dr Brandon Larsen, the study’s senior author, said: ‘‘While we can’t discount the potential role of lipids, we have not seen anything to suggest this is a problem caused by lipid accumulati­on in the lungs.

‘‘Instead, it seems to be some kind of direct chemical injury, similar to what one might see with exposures to toxic chemical fumes, poisonous gases and toxic agents.’’

Of the patients in the study, 12 had vaped with marijuana or cannabis oil. This could be significan­t because the vaping lobby and some scientists argue the recent spate of illnesses related to vaping are a result of THC, the principal psychoacti­ve compound in marijuana, or cannabidio­l (CBD).

The Mayo team also found small mixed brown and black particles resembling particulat­e matter found in smoking, leading them to conclude that they may have originated from the vaping liquid or device.

‘‘This is a public health crisis, and a lot of people are working franticall­y to find out what the culprit or culprits could be – and what chemicals may be responsibl­e,’’ said Larsen. ‘‘We suspect that most cases involve chemical contaminan­ts, toxic by-products or other noxious agents within vape liquids.’’

Public Health England encourages vaping as a means of quitting cigarettes and has argued it is no more than five per cent as dangerous as smoking.

However, critics believe the nuance is lost on the wider public, particular­ly young people, who interpret the guidance as a clean bill of health for the practice. – Telegraph Group

 ?? APO ?? Two women smoke cannabis vape pens at a party in Los Angeles. A medical study said vaping damaged the lungs in the same was as a poisonous gas attack.
APO Two women smoke cannabis vape pens at a party in Los Angeles. A medical study said vaping damaged the lungs in the same was as a poisonous gas attack.

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