The Timaru Herald

‘Extreme’ Sydney shotgun spree


Daniel King, 32, has been identified as the man shot dead following a shooting rampage across Sydney’s west targeting his expartner’s home and two police stations in an hour-long spree.

King shot at the Marayong home of his pregnant former partner Stacey Taylor on Wednesday night, then drove 15km to St Marys police station where he again fired his pump-action 12-gauge shotgun.

Twenty minutes later he stopped outside Penrith police station in a white Hyundai Highlander and began walking along the High Street footpath.

Police declared a critical incident following the ‘‘extreme’’ shooting spree, which left multiple police officers with injuries, including one in hospital with a shotgun pellet wound to the back of his head.

Footage posted online, reportedly filmed from a dance studio opposite Penrith police station, shows police officers firing multiple shots at a man armed with a shotgun.

The man, who is dressed in a dark T-shirt and trousers, falls to the ground as witnesses scream out.

Police allege King then approached police officers on the street and fired multiple shots, before he was shot dead by police.

King was not known to police before the incident, a law enforcemen­t source said.

According to a Facebook post, Ms Taylor was two days short of being 27 weeks pregnant with her fourth child when King opened fire on her Marayong home.

Taylor yesterday morning told reporters that her former partner had been sending her ‘‘threats’’ since she became pregnant and had pressured her to have an abortion.

‘‘[He was] accusing me that it wasn’t his baby. That he wanted DNA testing, he would go to DOCS (sic) [Family and Community Services] to get me in trouble,’’ she said.

Yesterday morning, Penrith police station and the neighbouri­ng Australian Arms Hotel remained behind crime scene tape as police scoured nearby businesses for witnesses and CCTV

At the time of the Penrith shooting, investigat­ors believed there was a second gunman, however it has since been confirmed that it was an innocent man running from gunfire at the nearby Panthers Pizza and Kebab while trying to buy a late-night meal.

Deputy Commission­er Jeff Loy, of NSW Police’s metropolit­an field operations, said he could not comment on the King’s motivation­s for the three shooting events, but described the level of criminalit­y as ‘‘extreme’’.

‘‘It’s a very unusual event. It’s something that really does concern us ... to shoot upon police ... [and] force police to protect themselves and return fire is very concerning.’’

Deputy Commission­er Loy praised officers for showing ‘‘care and empathy’’ for the alleged gunman by dragging him inside Penrith police station after he was shot.

‘‘They took him inside to render aid and that was for his protection and their protection because they did, at that time, think there was a second offender,’’ he said at a media briefing outside Penrith police station about 2.30am yesterday. – Nine

 ??  ?? Daniel King’s shooting rampage started at the home of his pregnant former partner.
Daniel King’s shooting rampage started at the home of his pregnant former partner.

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